Friday, February 12, 2010

200 Followers Contest!

To celebrate reaching 200 followers, a number I never dreamed would appear by my follower button, I decided I needed something as big and as special as all of you! Thanks to a member of blogging royalty, I think I've done it.


Elana Johnson, author of From the Query to the Call, has generously agreed to donate a query critique to the Grand Prize winner. I will add to that a free copy of her eBook. That caught your full attention, didn't it? I was lucky enough to receive a critique of my own query letter from Elana - you won't be disappointed! Her comments were invaluable.


But... one prize is not enough. After all, I have 2 hundred followers! Therefore, there must be another prize.


A $20.00 gift card from Amazon

1. Be a follower
2. Leave a comment for this post

That's it. Easy-peasy! Contest deadline will be Monday, February 22nd, @ 6:00 PM Montana time.

My thanks to all of you.
You bring me joy each and every day!


Mary Aalgaard said...

And a happy follower I am! Yay, Shannon!

Tabitha Bird said...

I too am a happy follower! Congrats on 200! that is awesome. Well done. The blog is a credit to you.

Janna Leadbetter said...

Shannon, that's wonderful! It feels so good to be followed, doesn't it? Er, on a blog, of course. ;)

This is a very generous giveaway! Count me in. I'd love the chance to win either prize.

Happy Valentine's weekend, and all that jazz.

Jeanette Levellie said...

Oooh, yes! YOU are both so generous and kind. Please include moi:


Thank you! said...

What a great contest and great way to celebrate your followers - I just became one = )!

Karen Harrington said...

Congrats on your 200 followers!

Hey, I got MY bird-girl statue for my 10th wedding anniversary. :) Hope you get one, too. Going to post a new pic of her later. We have a full foot of snow here today. :)

Jonathon Arntson said...

Hi. From your future winner.

Congrats on the follower numbers, your high level of quality rakes us in.

Robyn Campbell said...

Now, you KNOW that I'd follow you anywhere right? =)

And I always have some kinda comment going on. So. I shall put your contest on my sidebar today. Just because I love your blog, I love you and I know lots and lots of other people will love you too.

Great prizes. I would love the book. Hubby said I could buy it after we pay the Christmas off. UG! And the crit on the query. YIKES. I am preparing to query. I could definitely use it. And that second prize is great too. YOU GO GILRY! (^_^)

Robyn Campbell said...

Oops, I meant to say CONGRATS! WOO-HOO!!!!!

Jonathon Arntson said...

Oh, I forgot, AWESOME prize!

Jody Hedlund said...

Congrats on reaching a new milestone! I'm glad we could connect in the blogosphere! :-)

Laurel Garver said...

These are some very tantalizing prizes, Shannon. Count me it. I think you were like my fifth or sixth follower and I was your eighty-something-th. Now look at you with 200+! Way to go.

Mary E Campbell said...

congrats on the 200 - Awesome contest. I already bought Elana's book - she's very awesome to do this for you. I'm not entering - I just wanted to say - whoo hoo!

Christi Goddard said...

I was your 199th I think, and you were my 9th. Yeah, I've got a long way to go. :-)

Raine Chasing said...

Congrats on your 200 followers. It feels great to know that others are following (on a blog only of course). To know that someone out there cares enough to follow your blog and take an interest in what you write.

Maybe one day I'll have 100's of followers as well. Hope you have a great weekend!

Courtney Barr - The Southern Princess said...

WOW! Congrats on the followers! So excited for you!

Kristi Faith said...

Now that is a great prize!! Of course I'd love to be in the drawing. :0) But I'd also like to congratulate you. I started blogging in Oct 09 and didn't think I'd ever have more than twelve followers. It's a lot of work to entertain and inform writers. LOL Luckily, we all love each other so much, it's worth it.

Diane said...

Sounds like a great contest. Need some query advice. Have a great weekend! :O)

Tricia J. O'Brien said...

Congratulations on going up and over 200. You are such a great blog friend to everyone that I'm not at all surprised.
I follow. I comment. I'd love to enter. :D

Jennie Englund said...

Like Tricia, I, too, can see how you'd have such a brood!

This is a great place to be.

We all know it!

Thank you for having us.

Roxane B. Salonen said...

Shannon, looks like you're going to need a double mocha! I have watched your followers grow over the last months in amazement, and I'm not at all surprised. So glad to be on board, and always happy when you're able to visit me as well. But it must be getting hard to keep up! Have a super weekend.

Angela Ackerman said...

Congrats. You're blog is such an uplifting and special place to visit!

Leah (aka Mary_not_Martha) said...

Congrats! From the looks of your follower picts I must be #203 - it's an honor!

Deb Salisbury, Magic Seeker and Mantua-Maker said...

Great prizes! Thanks!

I'll link back from my blog when I post tonight. We'll see if I can't get you a few more followers.

BK Mattingly said...

Congrats on 200 followers! I know when I stop by your blog I'll leave with a smile. You're AWESOME!!

Catherine Denton said...

Shannon, how exciting!! Your sunny disposition makes it easy to follow. :) :) :) *you've been triple smiley-ed*
Winged Writer

storyqueen said...

Those are some great prizes!

It is always fun to read your blog.


Unknown said...

Ooh! I could definitely use a query critique soon. I'm working on it now. What a fun contest. And I'm so happy you have so many people interested in your blog. That is awesome! Congrats!

Julie Dao said...

YAHOO! Congrats Shannon :) You so deserve 200 followers and I'm proud to be one of them. Thank you for sharing your beautiful words with us.

Tere Kirkland said...

Easy peasy lemon squeezy!

Got to love Elana's advice, what a great prize!

Congrats on the followers, Shannon!

Sherry said...

Wow 200 followers! Congrats Shannon, I always enjoy your blog! :) You deserve it!

I am already a follower! :)

Kimberly Franklin said...

I love the easy contests! Thanks Shannon. You're the best!!!

Kelly Lyman said...

Great contest and it is super easy to enter!! Congrats on reaching 200 followers!

Sarah Ahiers said...

200 followers is amazing! And here i'm all excited to have 65. i can't even believe there are that many people reading blogs.
Go you!

DL Hammons said...

Way to go!! You are so deserving of every one of those followers. Great contest.

Stephanie Thornton said...

200 followers is super fantabulous! Congratulations!

Heather said...

Great contest, Shannon! I love Elana's blog, plus I've head $20 worth of books sitting in my Amazon cart for like two weeks now, but no money to buy them...sounds like this contest and I were meant to be :)

Tales of Whimsy said...

Cool contest darling :)
(not an entry)

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!! 200 followers! How amazing... they must be like me and know how good you are!!!

The Amazon gift card and Elana's book will definitely get some great use if I win either one of them!

Anonymous said...

See, that's the kind of contest I'll do next time. None of this reading and judging stuff. It's hard, man!

Congratulations on the milestone, good lady!

Jennifer said...

Congrats on reaching 200!!

Guinevere said...

Congrats on the 200 followers! I'm always amazed on how many blogs you manage to follow at the same time as producing lovely posts for your own. :)

I'd like to be entered in your contest -- winning a free critique would be awesome! (and I wouldn't mind some new books from Amazon, either ;))

Shelley Sly said...

Congrats on 200 followers! Your blog is insightful -- not to mention beautiful -- so it's no surprise you have this many readers!

Great contest you have going on. I think anyone would be lucky to have a query critique from someone so knowledgeable. :)

Natalie Murphy said...

Congrats on reaching 200!!!

I'm already a follower =)

Unknown said...

Congrats on 200! YAY for contests! YAY for Elana Query critique and book :) Sign me up!!!

Kelly@ JustWrite said...

200! What's your secret?? Great job!

Jennifer Shirk said...

Holy smokes those are some GREAT prizes!!!

Sara {Rhapsody and Chaos} said...

I am SO in!! That's awesome. You have a wonderful contest running!!! YAY!!!

Congrats on all the followers... I feel sorry for anyone who misses out on your posts!

Kristen Torres-Toro said...

Wow! 200! Congrats!!!!! I'm glad I found your blog!

Carolina M. Valdez Schneider said...

Yahoooooo!!!! LOVE this one. Adding you to my sidebar. *crosses fingers*

Congrats on your 200 followers!!!

Anonymous said...

200 followers, WOW!

Congrats, Shannon. And why the hell not? Your blog is excellent :)

Unknown said...

Congratulations on hitting 200! Great prizes. I think you and Elana are both awesome!

Kristi said...

Congrats on 200 followers!!! I love Elana...definitely count me in!

Katie @ said...

Oooh what a super achievement. Yippee!

Elana Johnson said...

Congrats on the followers! You are awesome - and so sweet to say such nice things about me. I'm humbled!


Liz @ Cleverly Inked said...

OO awesome,
I am a follower

Frankie Diane Mallis said...

Woohoo congrats on 200 followers SHannon! That's awesome, go you! Team Shannon all the way and I love this contest! Awesome prize and perfect timing!!!

Jemi Fraser said...

Wow - 200 followers! that's awesome - Congratulations :)

Absolutely awesome prizes too!

Elizabeth Mueller said...

Shannon--you are so sweet and thoughtful to have this for us. I like it! Thank you for dropping by my blog. It's always so nice to see you!


VR Barkowski said...

200 followers is amazing accomplishment - you deserve to celebrate. And what a great contest - Elana's book is outstanding!


Jonathon Arntson said...

Does Elana's comment count as an entry?

Unknown said...

Congrats on getting 200 followers. I was happy to see I now have 36.

Hardygirl said...

Yay!!! Prizes!!

Congrats on 200 followers . . . looks like you're on your way to 300!


Corey Schwartz said...

Wow! 200... pretty impressive! Congrats.

lisa and laura said...

OMG, 67 comments and over 200 followers, this is a big day!

Llehn said...

Yay to 200 followers! I'm glad to be one of them!


Kelly said...

Hurray for 200 followers!

* said...

Sweetness. I'm a follower!!

in which a girl reads said...

Wow, congrats on the 200! You totally deserve it. *breaks out the party cake* :D

Jessica Nelson said...

Shannon, two hundred followers is awesome! Congrats. :-)

sarahjayne smythe said...

What a great giveaway. Congrats on all the followers. :)

Stephanie Damore said...

Wow, super cool and very awesome of you. Congrats on your milestone. Happy Valentine's Day, too!

Diana Paz said...

Yay, count me in!!

Wow, that WAS easy!!

MAJOR CONGRATULATIONS on 200 followers, but it doesn't surprise me at all. You have a wonderful blog. :)

Robyn Campbell said...

I put your contest up on my sidebar and posted about it. I'm a day late and a dollar short. *grin*

I'm unplugging this week. I hope I win, but whoever wins, congrats to 'em. =)

Jackee said...

Holy Moly--TWO HUNDRED?! That is amazing, but not surprising. You are highly entertaining, friend.

And then a book and critique from Elana the Great? Awesome.

Thank you so much!

Kristin Rae said...

Great contest! I'm already a follower!!

Karen Lange said...

Congrats on 200+ followers! What a wonderful contest.

Just became a follower:)
Happy weekend,

Katie said...

Congratulations on 200 followers! (I promise I am one - a newbie.) Great blog! Count me in for the contest :)


Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Shannon -

I'm a brand new Follower. Please enter me in the contest. Thanks.

susanjreinhardt (at) gmail (dot) com

Susan :)

Tana said...

Me, Me Me!!!! I'm a a follower, and would love a critique from Elana!!! Or her book!!!! Ack, great prizes!

Carolyn V. said...

Shannon, I love Elana J! She is so cool and wise. I may not win her book, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Congrats on 200!!! That is amazing! =)

CL said...

200! I just started blogging and I have 12 followers--- congratulations on getting to 200! That is something to shoot for. I'm glad I found out about your blog...I also write PBs and hope to see them published.

Susan Fields said...

Wow - 200 followers! Congratulations! And wonderful prizes, too. I'm looking forward to coming back for many future visits.

Alexia561 said...

Congratulations on breaking 200! That's so cool! :D

Tony Anders said...

I hope to get to the 200+ mark soon. Also being an aspiring writer and am working on a query and the contest is also enticing. Mostly, I am here to help a fellow writer/blogger. If you ever need some uplifting words, you are welcome by my blog as well! I look forward to checking out your blog as I can use the tips. Continued success!

Amalia Dillin said...

How is it possible that I'm not already one of your followers?! What have I been doing all this time!

I'm clicking the follow button as soon as this comment posts! Count me in :)

Buttercup said...

So nice to be in such good company. Happy 200!

Laura Pauling said...

Congrats on 200 followers. Big accomplishment. And great contest!

Christine Danek said...

Congrats on 200 followers:)

Michelle McLean said...

congrats on reaching 200 followers!! I'm sure you'll soon be seeing many more :)

Candice said...

I would love either of those prizes! I just met Elana this weekend. Congrats on you 200 followers.

Jennifer Swanson said...

I'm a new follower. So happy to be here. I'd love a chance at either of your prizes.

Pamela said...

Congratulations on reaching 200 followers! That's a big accomplishment.

Rebecca Knight said...

Congrats on 200! :D I'm over from Elana's blog, and just became a follower. Hooray!

Mim said...

What a great contest! Congrats on 200 followers!

GunDiva said...

Hi! *waving* Congrats on breaking 200!

I'm follower number 223 and found you from Elena Johnson's blog.

Deb Salisbury, Magic Seeker and Mantua-Maker said...

Hey, I've got comment 100! (at least there were 99 before I hit the button.)

Thanks for the contest!

Bookish in a Box said...

Amazon GCs are the best (followed by any sort of critique, of course!). Congrats on 200 followers!

whatinabox at gmail dot com

Joseph Miller said...

Congrats on 200+ followers!

Unknown said...

Great contest, and congrats on so many followers!

Kayeleen Hamblin said...

I'm new to your blog, so I'm looking forward to getting to know more about you! Congratulations on 200 followers. Someday, I'll be there.

sarah darlington said...

Thanks for doing this contest! 200 followers is alot!

Heidi Willis said...

Wow! 227 followers! That's awesome!!
Count me as a loyal one, and enter me in the contest. :)

(There's a free book giveaway going on at my blog this week too. Stop by to enter!)

Just Joany said...

Wow! I am excited. I'm a new follower and I'd love it if you'd enter me in the contest.

~ Just Joany
Red Wagon Flights

Unknown said...

Ooh, just found this blog, but am now a proud follower.

Victoria Dixon said...

I am in awe. Over 200 followers and a really cool blog. I just signed up!

Erin Butler said...

What a great prize for the contest! Thanks!

Unknown said...

Yay for 200 followers! Yay! I will be running to the library now to find some of your books. :D

Lori W. said...

Great prize. Congrats. on 200 followers!

Francesca said...

234 followers now! Woo-hoo!

Great prizes and I look forward to stalking your blog.

J.R. Johansson said...

This is a serious amount of followers and comments here! Congrats! I, am of course one, and I've commented. *does happy dance*

Paul W. West, Author said...

Frankly, I hadn't heard of you until now, when I read Elana Johnson's blog. But this looks like a good blog too.

Dawn Embers said...

This is a great idea for a contest. Congratulations on making it past 200 followers. I know what you mean about being surprised. I'm at 22 and can't imagine making it that far. But you never know.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on making it to 200 followers, Shannon!! =D

Jeanne Ryan (Serenissima) said...

200! Wow! I haven't even figured out how to set up my blog for followers yet. Congrats!

Terri Tiffany said...

Hello! I would love to win a critique from her and would love to follow:)

Sherrie Petersen said...

Holy smokes you've got a lot of entries!

I'm already a follower. Thanks for the chance :)

Shirley Bales said...

Congrats!!! I think I'm 201!!

Tamika: said...

I've been happy to be a follower for some time! Congratulations on the Big 2-0-0!

I would love to enter the contest.

Anonymous said...

Consider me a follower. I'm glad I stopped by.


Sharon K. Mayhew said...

Wow, you have 124 comments on this post alone!!!! Congratulations on the over 240 followers. How exciting is that! Hundreds of people reading your words. :) I've been a follower for a while, so I'll have my fingers crossed for that critique. Keep up the good work, Shannon. :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on reaching 200 followers! Amazing. And thanks that I didn't have to jump through a bunch of hoops to enter. Following and commenting, I can do. :)

Kristen said...

What cool prizes, thanks for having this contest :)

feywriter said...

New follower here. Grats on the milestones!

Susan Kaye Quinn said...

I don't follow much - I prefer to lurk! :) But I will follow for a chance at your lovely prize. Thanks for the great contest!

SM Blooding said...

I'm glad I found your blog! Now you're bookmarked and ready to go! LOL!


Unknown said...

Congrats! And, wow, you BLEW through 200. You're well on your way to 300. Ooooh! I would so love to win either of your prizes!!!

Julie Weathers said...

Wow! You're already up to 247 followers. You'll have to have another contest!

Holly Lefevre said...

Congrats on 200+++ followers. I happened to stumbled across you blog via Elena's blog and am so excited. What a great giveaway!

TerryLynnJohnson said...

WOW! just about missed this - home from vacation in the nick of time. I'm a follower. congrats on 200!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the contest, Shannon! I didn't roll down far enough on Elana's contest to see this last week!
I am follwing you now :)

Brigid said...

Thanks, Shannon!

Suzette Saxton said...

Whoa, look at all these comments! And 200 followers? You are really rocking!

Anissa said...

200 followers AND a contest? How did I miss this???

kah said...

I'm such a slacker. How did I almost miss this? GREAT CONTEST! But holy smokes, look at all these entries. WOW. Congrats on the many followers. You deserve it.

Valerie Kemp said...

Ooh, awesome contest! Congrats on 200 followers!

Jay said...

I am liking this contest. Thank you and Elana for having it. 200 followers? I'm one. What I wouldn't give for 200 followers!

Dan Olsen said...

By the time this contest is over you might be up to 300 followers. Congrats.

Carla Gade said...

How exciting to have 200 followers! Yippee!!

Kelly Polark said...

Wow! Congrats on 200 and now you are getting to 300! :)

Patti said...

I'm a little late on the bandwagon. Damn unplugging week. I missed so many contests.

Conda Douglas said...

What a great contest! I'm a follower of yours now! (And a great way to find your blog.)

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