Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Sharing Blog Love - Part 2

Carolyn V. from Checkerboard Squares awarded me the Creative Writing Award. To accept this award, I'm required to name 10 things that make me happy and to pass it along.

1. my kids
3. coffee
4. gooey, bready food
5. where I live
6. the color yellow
7. a clean house
8. books
9. my blog buddies
10. summer vacation

I pass the love to:

Tamika @ The Write Worship - It isn't easy to find an award this lady doesn't have, and we all know she deserves every award we can find to give her!

Tere Kirkland
@ The Lesser key - I'm still bumming that I didn't win her fun and creative Mardis Gras contest! Ha ha.

Jonathon Arnston @ Doing Odd Things - I think we can all agree that when it comes to creativity and making others happy, Jon is a master.

Sharon Mayhew @ Random Thoughts - She was my first "real" commenter on this blog, and I will love her forever for that. It's because of Sharon that I first believed someone might actually like reading what I have to write.

Julie @ Silver Lining - I'm still recovering from her delicious post about Chinese New Year, and be sure to check out her WIPe out post.


I received the Over the Top Award from Kelly Lyman @ Kelly's Compositions. Thanks, Kelly!

Your cell phone: finally
Your hair: blonde.
Your mother: emotional.
Your father: Intimidating.
Your favorite food: seafood.
Your dream last night: horror.
Your favorite drink: coffee.
Your dream goal: published.
What room are you in: classroom.
Your hobby: scrapbooking.
Your fear: dentists.
Where do you see yourself in six years: published?
Where were you last night: church.
Something you aren't: early.
Muffins: cheese.
Wish list item: eReader.
Where did you grow up: everywhere.
Last thing you did: teach.
What are you wearing: lanyard.
Your TV: inconvenient.
Your pets: cats.
Friends: perfect.
Your life: insane.
Your mood: tired.
Missing someone: sister.
Vehicle: minivan.
Something you aren't wearing: hat.
Your favorite store: Amazon.
Your favorite color: yellow.
When was last time you laughed: Today.
Last time you cried: recently?
Your best friend: christian.
One place you go to over and over: school.
Facebook: boring.
Favorite place to eat: OliveGarden.

I pass the love to:

Robyn Campbell @ Putting Pen to Paper - For her over the top coolness and her frequent contest posts! You are a wonderful person, Robyn.

Carrie Harris - I love this girl's sense of humor, and Lord knows her zombies are over the top!

Kristen Torres-Toro @ Write in the Way - There are only wonderful posts to be found and an abundance of kindness and selflessness.

Tracy @ A Blissful Life - This girl cracks me up (and she is an incredibly faithful commenter)!

Angie Kate @ Always Write - Did you see her Frasier YouTube post last week? Hilarious!


Jemi Frasier from Just Jemi honored me with the Blogger Purrfection Award - so cute! Thank you Jemi - you are purrfection!

I pass the love to:

Susan Quinn @ Ink Spells - I'm addicted to her posts and her documents on middle grade and picture books.

Stacey @ Stacey's Respite - I love the peaceful feeling I get from her blog each time I visit. It really is a respite.

Kristi faith @ RAW **Random Acts of Writing** - Kristi's blog is sweet and wonderful - blogging purrfection!

Natalie Murphy @ The Sound of Rain - I've been wanting to award Natalie forever, and I can finally give her an award that she doesn't already have. Yay!

Steph @ Stephanie Damore - Because her blog is every bit as adorable as this award! Check out her Mr. Potato Head post on characterization, her Valentine funnies and her recent riddle posts.

Enjoy the links! I hope you all find some new favorites.


Candice said...

That's a lot of blog love. And Facebook-boring. Really? My husband refuses to join, but I could waste hours of my day there. :)

Kristi Faith said...

I love BLOG LOVE! :0) Thank you so much for recognizing me with an award. I really appreciate it. It's nice to know that you enjoy reading my blog. :0)

Thank you again!!
Kristi Faith

Jonathon Arntson said...

Thank you Shannon, you are pretty good at making people happy yourself!

Corey Schwartz said...

Wow! That's a lot of awards. Congrats! It's well-deserved :)

Courtney Barr - The Southern Princess said...

Congrats on the awards! You deserve every one!!!

Carolyn V. said...

Yay for the awards! And blog friends make me happy too. Congrats!

Stephanie Damore said...

Thanks for the award! You're always so sweet. I for one can't get over how many awesome writer blogs are out there. It's amazing and super cool. Thanks for introducing me to some great writers.

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Well, that's three people I don't have to notify! :-)

Thanks for the good wishes everyone.

Carrie Harris said...

Woo! Thanks for the award and the links!

Must find way to integrate zombies into this...

DL Hammons said...

YAY for all your awards and Congrats to the recipients. It's a giant explosion of blog love!!

Stephanie Thornton said...

Yay for new links! That reminds me- I've been hoarding awards and need to pass them along.


Susan Kaye Quinn said...

And I thought you were addicted to the cats! :) I'm excited to have a blogger award with a CAT on it. Awesome.


Karen Harrington said...

Lots of love! Amazon is my fave store, too.

Elana Johnson said...

What great awards -- and you deserve them all. Congrats! And I see some blogs I don't visit. :) You rawk!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the awards! Fun, ain't they? :)

Tere Kirkland said...

Holy cow, what a lovefest!

Shannon, I've already decided to have another Mardi Gras contest next year. It's going to be huge! Just wait! ;)

You deserve each one of these awards and then some!

BK Mattingly said...

congrats to the winners and yay for new links!

Robyn Campbell said...

Congrats my friend on your awards. NO ONE DESERVES THEM MORE THAN YOU. =)
I think next week will be get caught up on posting my blog awards. And thank you for honoring me. And it is truly an honor. Thank you my pal. You know I love being Over The Top!

And it sounds like I'll have more awesome blogs to check out. YAY!

Tamika: said...

Poking around while I'm on blog break! You are too sweet! I had to stop by, because I never leave your site without smiling.

Thanks so much!

Kimberly Franklin said...

YAY awards! Congrats!!!

Kelly Polark said...

Holy mega awards, Batman!
Congrats! :)

Susan R. Mills said...

Congrats on your awards. Great blog love going on over here.

Bethany Wiggins said...

You are miss popular! Congrats on all of the awards!!!

Natalie said...

Congratulations Shannon! You deserve every one!

And I'm wondering what cheese muffins are?

Anonymous said...

Congrats Shannon :o) you deserve them all XX

Kristen Torres-Toro said...

Thank you so much, Shannon! You made my day!

Shannon O'Donnell said...


Tere - Sign me up! I'm ready!

Natalie - Any kind of muffin with cheese - cream cheese filled muffins, cheddar cheese muffins or biscuits. If it has cheese, I love it.

Natalie Murphy said...

Haha awww thank you!!!! =)

Sara {Rhapsody and Chaos} said...

mmmmmm cheese muffins? Pardon that noise, it was my stomach growling!!

Congrats on all the awards :)

Jemi Fraser said...

Congrats on all of the awards - very well deserved :)

Thanks for the new links to check out!

Unknown said...

Yay for awards! Congratulations! I love that you say your TV is inconvenient! I couldn't agree more!

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

Shannon--you are such a supportive person. Thank you for the blog award, it was very sweet of you to think of me. You amaze me! Just when I think I've discovered a new blog that no one knows about, I hit post a comment and there you've already discovered it. You really do a great job on being supportive to new bloggers. WTG on 240 (and counting) followers. WTG!

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

Shannon--you are such a supportive person. Thank you for the blog award, it was very sweet of you to think of me. You amaze me! Just when I think I've discovered a new blog that no one knows about, I hit post a comment and there you've already discovered it. You really do a great job on being supportive to new bloggers. WTG on 240 (and counting) followers. WTG!

Kasie West said...

Ah, a clean house makes me happy too, which might mean that I'm not happy very often because my house is always a mess. But, a dirty house doesn't make me unhappy. In fact, maybe because the house is dirty so much it makes me appreciate it when it is clean. :)

Congrats on all the awards.

Susan Fields said...

Congrats on all the awards - hooray! And Sharon Mayhew was one of my first real commenters, too, but since we used to live only a few blocks away and our kids went to school together and we walked the dogs together, etc., she really had no choice. :)

lisa and laura said...

Shannon, you rock. You really bring a light to the blogosphere which clearly touches a lot of people based on all these fab awards!

in which a girl reads said...

Congrats on the awards! You totally deserve them, your blog is awesome :)

Tina Lynn said...

Holy Blog Lovin'. Looks like you are pretty loved yourself! Look at all these new people to follow:)

Anonymous said...

Congrats sweetheart! Deserved, as always :)

Liz @ Cleverly Inked said...


Alexia561 said...

Congratulations on all of your awards! Very well deserved! :-)

Tracy Loewer said...

You really do deserve all of those awards. You're just so darned loveable! Thanks so much for thinking of me. It was a great thing to come home to!

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