Friday, February 26, 2010

Where Does the Time Go?

My oldest baby is thirteen today, and I can't believe it. I know it's cliche, but they grow up so fast.

* I've seen him go from a reluctant reader to a 7th grader, who reads at a 12th grade level.

* I've watched him develop from a struggling writer to Montana's 2nd place winner in the
this year's Patriot's Pen VFW Writing Contest.

* He is a loving big brother, a proud student, a determined ball player, and my pride and joy.

Happy 13th Birthday, Wyatt!


Jonathon Arntson said...

"Where does the time go?" That is the question of my life!

Hb to your son.

Unknown said...

My daughter will be 9 in April! I feel so old. And my baby turns 5 in two weeks. Who am I going to cuddle with if he gets any bigger!

Curse you time!!!

Happy Birthday to your little guy. Sounds like he is a gem :)

Jennie Englund said...

Happy Birthday! Hope (and would bet) that you have some fun all planned out!

I, too, have a 12 year-old boy. He is taller than me, has a size 10 shoe.

But we seem to have reverted back to the point-and-grunt toddler stage lately. Which my husband and I don't mind incredibly; it reminds us that there's still some baby in our big boy, and we get to cherish all over again those Terrible Twos!

kah said...

Aww, Happy Birthday to him. And kudos to you for raising such a good looking kid. ;)

Heather Kelly said...

happy birthday! He sounds awesome! A good reminder to enjoy these times with our kids.

lisa and laura said...

Reader, writer AND athlete? You need to tell me your secret, Shannon!

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Jonathon - If you ever find the answer, let me know!

Marybeth - My baby is 5 too, so I totally hear you.

Jennie - Point and grunt...ha ha. So true!

Karen - Thanks!

Heather - Yes! We need to enjoy every single fleeting moment. :)

LiLa - He's not a very GOOD athlete, just determined! Ha ha.

Unknown said...

I think some things that are viewed as cliche are really just truths in disguise. And this is one of them. The simple truth is that they DO grow up too fast. :S

Happy birthday to him! He's sounds like a wonderful person! :)

Stephanie Thornton said...

Oh, they definitely grow too fast. Everyone once in while my daughter does something to shock me. Like grow a few inches. Or read a new sentence (at three years old).

Happy birthday to Wyatt!

Courtney Barr - The Southern Princess said...

Happy Birthday! I have 3 nephews only a year younger than him and boy are they shooting up! It is mind boggling to watch them grow!

Karen Harrington said...

Sounds like he's had a great momma! I hope you enjoy this special day.

Elana Johnson said...

Aw, what a lovely post! He's so cute -- and wow, what a lot of accomplishments you've gotten to be a part of.

Valerie Geary said...

Whoop whoop!! Happy Birthday Shannon's son! :D

Sherrie Petersen said...

Great post!

Congratulations on raising a child you can be so proud of :)

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Nisa - You're right. Thanks!!

Stephanie - Exactly. Wyatt's up to my shoulder and I don't now when that happened.

Courtney - Mind-boggling is exactly right.

Karen - Thanks, friend.

Elana - I'm a lucky mama.

Valerie - Thanks!

Sherrie - Thanks. I am so proud of him.

Tamika: said...

Our babies grow up so fast! My daughter will be 11 in April, and she is already hinting to starting her own blog. My mind is reeling.

Happy birthday Wyatt! You sound like a tremendous young man!

Alexia561 said...

Time does go by much, much too fast! My oldest nephew is getting married this fall, which is bizarre because in my mind he will always be a sweet 2 year old! *L*

Happy Birthday Wyatt!

Robyn Campbell said...

Happy birthday Wyatt! I hope your day is everything you want it to be. And say hey to your mom for me, will ya? =)

Play ball!

DL Hammons said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY WYATT!!!!! This is your day!

Kristen Torres-Toro said...

Wow! Happy birthday to him!!!

Gina said...

Happy birthday wishes to your pride and joy! =0)

Mary Aalgaard said...

My first born is 16 today! Teaching him to drive, seeing him shave, wondering if he likes a girl...ya, parenting is an exercise in letting go.

Jeanette Levellie said...

How wonderful to see Wyatt grow into a young man. I understand why you are so proud of him.

Thanks for sharing, and Happy Birthday, Wyatt. May you celebrate many more, all with joy.

"The Lord will fulfill His purpose for yo." Psalm 138:8

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Tamika - Kids are good at getting our minds reeling!

Alexia - Yes! Toddlers forever...

Robyn - You are the absolute sweetest!

DL - Thanks! I'll show my son your comments.

Kristen - Thank you. :)

GMR - Thanks so much.

Mary - Don't say it. I hate thinking that far ahead. Ugh! :)

Jeannette - Thanks for your sweet comments.

Carolina M. Valdez Schneider said...

Awwww...happy birthday to your son. He looks like a great kid. My daughter turned 13 in January and it stung just a bit. They grow up way too fast.

Jessie Oliveros said...

What a handsome guy. And a writer, too?! I keep saying the same thing, and my boy is only three.

Anonymous said...

I ask myself that same question every damn day. Where does time go?

Your young man is very handsome and obviously talented like his mum :)

Kimberly Franklin said...

Awww... Happy Birthday to your son!!! : D

Jonathon Arntson said...

As far as I can tell, Shannon, the drain.

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Carolina - Is she as proud of her teen status as my son? :-)

Jessie - Thanks! From 3-13 overnight!

Wendy - Awww,so sweet!

Kimberly - Thanks a bunch.

Jonathon - Ahhh, so that's the answer! :-)

Shelley Sly said...

Aww! Happy Birthday to him -- I hope has/had a fun day! :)

Karen Lange said...

Happy Birthday to your son! Yes, where does the time go? My three are 28, 26, and 23. I blinked and they grew up. One good thing about it is that I now have a daughter in law and a wonderful grandson, so there are some perks:)
Happy weekend,

Jemi Fraser said...

Happy birthday to your multi-talented teenager! :)

kanishk said...

. Happy Birthday to your son!

Work from home India

Laura Pauling said...

Thanks Shannon for commenting on my interview at Heather's. I was out of power all day and just got to answering questions! Happy Birthday to your son and his amazing achievements!

VR Barkowski said...

Happy birthday to Wyatt! Hope his day was perfect (and yours, too, Shannon!)

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

Wow, Happy Birthday to Wyatt and to you! It sounds like you are doing a good job as a Mom. :)

Unknown said...

You've got a great blog here. I've got an award waiting for you at my blog

ali cross said...

He is awesome! What a handsome young man. Happy birthday Wyatt!

Susan Fields said...

Happpy birthday to your son. You have a teenager now - look out! My oldest turns 14 in April, and I'm asking the same question, "Where does the time go?"

Thank you for the award!

Theresa Milstein said...

Great photo!

I've been asking myself the same thing. My son is eleven, just grew two-inches, I think overnight. His voice is deeper too. He went from reluctant reader to reading on an adult level. I once wrote about it, if you want to check it out:

Tracy Loewer said...

What a cutie! Kids definitely grow up way too fast. How can they get older when I've obviously not aged in the least?

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