According to Erica, this one only has one rule: to share 5 fantasy/sci-fi novels that have inspired you. Wow. Okay, here goes. In no particular order, the five that first come to mind are:
- Lucifer's Hammer - If you want to cherish things like toilet paper and canned goods, this is your book.
- Fablehaven - If I could wake up tomorrow as the author of any series, this would be the one. Oh, how I wish I was that creative and original and could write like that!!
- The Maze Runner - wow. just wow.
- LOTR - no list could be complete without this! Duh!
- Deltora Quest series by Emily Rodda - I have hooked more non-readers with this series than with ANY other.
- Jonathon @ Jon's Life - because he loves James Dashner like I love James Dashner! *sigh*
- Beth Reavis @ Writing it Out - in 251 days, I may have a new favorite book!
- Courtney @ Southern Princess - just because I heart her so much!
- Karen @ Eternal Moonshine of a Daydreaming Mind - the queen of mermaid love!
Have a happy Wednesday!
great picts for this award! Yay Maze Runner!
(and Yay Across the Universe!)
I'll have to look into your book choices, fellow sci-fi lover. :O)
Congratulations on the blog award. I'm a big sci-fi fan and Lucifer's Hammer is one of my old favorites!
Congrats on the award. Toilet paper and canned goods huh?
Congratulations Shannon! You're still raking them in since I've been gone:)
Happy Wednesday!
Way to go Shannon! Woo hoo! Did I tell you my daughter read all five Fablehaven books in about two weeks. She loved them!
I can't believe I haven't read the Maze Runner yet. I've heard good things.
Congrats on the award and to those you gave it too.
Congratulations on your award. Aubrie created it.
I haven't read any on your list, but I've heard good things about The Maze Runner.
What a pretty blog award! And you certainly deserve it.
Thanks for the links.
Such a fun award :)
Thanks so much for passing it along to me. I'm honored.
Awesome, that's a great award to share the book love. And the pic is cute too.
Yeah! Isn't that the coolest award ever?
Congratulations on another great award! Totally agree with you that The Maze Runner was awesome, and that no list would be complete without LOTR!
Thanks, Shannon! Your awards inspire me! I am going to start storing the inspiration for the fall, when I plan to start writing again.
I vouch for Beth's book. Since I read it all ready. *grin* It is a very, very, super fantastic read.
Congrats girl. You deserve it. And thanks for all the links. They take so much time. I present you with the hard work blogger award. Check is in the mail. *wink*
Shannon I heart you too! You make me smile and make me laugh and make me enjoy blogging every time I click on your link... !!
Thank you so much for thinking of me and you deserve the awards gorgeous!!!
Visit My Kingdom Anytime
Congratulations on the award...and thanks for the links. :) I read the Handmaid's Tale recently...not a kid book! Nice writing, but not my cup of tea.
I've got an award for you. Find the details over at my blog
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