Wednesday, October 13, 2010

It's Love, People!

Okay. Everyone who has followed me for a while knows that I go totally "fangirl" when it comes to James Dashner. If you DON'T go all fangirl (guys excluded), then what is wrong with you?! Really. His books are *sigh* the best!

Yesterday I posted a small announcement at the top of my blog because I already had a post scheduled (what was I thinking?!). Today I am giving the release of Scorch Trials the attention it deserves!

The Maze Runner was my favorite book of 2009 - no contest. Thanks to Shannon #1 (aka Shannon Whitney Messenger), I got to read a sneak peek of the first five chapters of Scorch Trials. O-M-G!! He took the entire first book and turned it upside down, inside out, and backwards in those five chapters! Someday, I want to write that well. The man is freaking amazing! (yes, that's a lot of exclamation points - and yes, he deserves all of them)

So like I said yesterday... dont walk, RUN to the nearest bookstore! RUN, Forrest, RUN!!! Or better yet, follow the link to Amazon and one-click it!!

And now, for your viewing pleasure, the trailer:

Today's question: have you read anything by James Dashner yet? The Maze Runner? The 13th Reality series? Or perhaps the Jimmy Fincher Saga? If the answer is no, you need to fix that!


Theresa Milstein said...

I started The Maze Runner, and I've been impressed so far. You're making me want to read faster! I have The Scorch Trials on my to-read list.

Vicki Rocho said...

*ducking for cover*

I've not read anything of his....YET. If you promise not to throw that frying pan at me, I'll put him on the TBR list.

Candyland said...

I haven't *ducks*
But you're love for it makes me want to! (Sort of like my love of New MEds...hmmm...)

Candyland said...

I haven't *ducks*
But you're love for it makes me want to! (Sort of like my love of New MEds...hmmm...)

Lindsay said...

Yay. I bought The Maze Runner because you kept saying such good things about it. Once the wip is done I'm going to read it as a reward. Then, THE SCORCH TRIALS!

Stina said...

I haven't read any of this stuff cuz I'm assuming there's no romance in it. And I needs me some romance (I mean other than what I get at home).

Tracy said...

I must admit to never having read anything of James Dashner's, but your fangirliness has me questioning why I haven't! I love reading writers that make me want to be as good as them...helps me keep the drive going.

Diane said...

Hanging head..... I've never read any of his books. Writing his name down now. :O)

Valerie Kemp said...

I liked the Maze Runner a lot! I'm really looking forward to the Scorch Trials!

Carolyn V. said...

James had a book signing here last night, but I couldn't make it. I can't wait to read Scorch Trials. =)

Meredith said...

I haven't read The Maze Runner, but I'm putting it on my TBR list right now, I promise! Thanks for the recommendation!

Golden Eagle said...

I've never read anything by James Dashner, but I've definitely seen his books around. After reading this post, I think I had better go run and get them! :P

Patti said...

I've read the Maze Runner and really liked it, looking forward to the second one.

Colene Murphy said...

I can't wait to get my copy! I LOVED The Maze Runner!

Tamika: said...

I haven't read any of his work, but after this raving post I think I must:)

Jennifer Hoffine said...

I read and loved The Maze Runner! *heads to library site to check out sequel now*

Laura S. said...

I haven't yet! Eeeek, I better get on that. The Maze Runner has been on my to-read list for a while, though, so I'll get to it eventually!!!


Being a relatively new follower I have not heard of your subjects, But later on tonight when life is not so hetic I will have a look.

Take care.

Elana Johnson said...

Yay for J-Dash! Yes, I just gave him a gangsta name. We talked about it last night while he was signing copious amounts of books. Can't wait to crack open my THE SCORCH TRIALS!

J.R. Johansson said...

I, of course, loved Maze Runner and I'm getting my copy of The Scorch Trials on the 30th at a library event J-Dash (love it, Elana) will be attending. :)

Lisa_Gibson said...

Nice. Thanks for the head's up. I will definitely add these to my tbr pile. Woo hoo!
Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

Susan R. Mills said...

The Maze Runner is on my list. I think I'll move it to the top. :)

Hermana Maw said...

I can't wait to get a copy. James should pay you for the free publicity. :)

Anonymous said...

I think James is awesome! I'm really happy for this new release of his!

Tere Kirkland said...

Loved the Maze Runner! Re-reading it before I get to the Scorch Trials, since I read the first few pages and barely remembered what was going on!

This is a great read for young guys, for sure.

Jemi Fraser said...

I haven't read his stuff yet, but I'm putting it on the list! :)

Jackee said...

Would you believe I still have Maze Runner sitting on my shelf unread? Yeah, I don't know me I'm that embarrassing. BUT I have read the first 13th Reality and really like his style. He's got a wonderful blog too!

Thanks for sharing, Shannon. I'm glad I'm not the only one that goes fangirl sometimes! :o)

Ishta Mercurio said...

Oh, dear. I must admit to being a James Dashner biblio-virgin. But I shall rectify this! I have three must-reads before Monday, and then I'll get to The Maze Runner. You make these books sound so good, I can't resist.

Kimberly Franklin said...

I guess I really need to add this one to my list!

Jennie Englund said...

Wow! That's a RAVE review! There's no choice but to go out and buy it now...

Kathi Oram Peterson said...

I love James's books as well. What a fantastic trailer. Short and to the point. Thanks for sharing.

WritingNut said...

I've heard of this series, but I haven't gotten around to reading as yet. They're definitely on the list though!

Krispy said...

LOL, you sound like me with the whole Lost Hero thing yesterday! Thanks for stopping by to share your excitement (and mine) btw.

I haven't read any Dashner, but your enthusiasm has got me intrigued. That and I think I always meant to check out Maze Runner. Time to get on that.

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Shannon -

Never heard of him until this post. At the risk of sounding like a dummy, what genre is this book? Suspense? Sci-Fi? Thriller?

Susan :)

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

I keep picking up Maze Runner...Next time I'll get all the way to the check out with it. :) I won't let those shiny ya girly books distract me....

JKB said...

I very much so want to read these books, but never got around to ordering them. That will end today! Scott gets another sale from you!!


(And thanks for visitng my blog!!!)

Heather Sunseri said...

I'm defitely adding these books to my list. They look exactly like something I would read. Thanks, Shannon!

Janet Johnson said...

When I was visiting family, I got to begin Maze Runner, now I'm waiting for my copy to finish! I'm dying to figure out the mystery. :)

TerryLynnJohnson said...

The Maze Runner was one of my favs! It was my hubby's favourite. I'm reading 13th Reality right now, and tomorrow I finally go to the city to purhase The Scorch Trials!! YAY!

Tales of Whimsy said...

Wow. Why haven't I read these? They sound amazing!

Hannah said...

Maze Runner has been on my list forever! I should definitely move that higher. Thanks for raving about it!

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