Also, I need to pass along a couple of awards that I received recently. First, a big thank you to my critique partner Bethany @ Aspirations for the Kreativ Blogger Award, which requires me to come up with 7 more things you don't know about me and then pass it to 7 other bloggers.
1. I found out this morning that my oldest son, Wyatt (12) was in a car accident while visiting his grandmother. He's okay, but I think I will be scarred for life.
2. My husband and I tied for Montana "Speech and Debate Coach of the Year" before we were married.
3. I am a complete and total ditz when it comes to remembering things.
4. My family went to visit Washington D.C. and Williamsburg, VA. last summer - loved it!
5. I believe cheesecake should be eaten EVERY DAY of a vacation.
6. My daughter wants a puppy.
7. My husband does all the cooking and grocery shopping - I'm super spoiled. :)
1. Karen @ Scobberlotch (how do you NOT give a Kreativ award to a blog with a title like that?!)
2. Wendy @ W.M.Morrell's Musings from Down Under (check out her blog header and the awesome beach santa pic. over there right now.)
3. Anita @ Anita's Edge (I never know what to expect when I check out her posts, and I love how she refers to her boyfriend as "Sarcastically Delicious")
4. Matt @ Free the Princess (this is a more recent discovery for me, but I am totally addicted to his interesting posts)
5. Shannon M and 6. Frankie - how on earth do we not acknowledge the semi-psychotic and totally entertaining creativity passing between these two right now?!
7. Stephanie @ Hatshepsut (maintaining one of the most awesome blogs out there, while creating a modern-day Hatshepsut mania, requires some gifted creativity. I LOVE this blog!)
I also need to thank Carolina @ Carol's Prints for the Blogging Writer Award. Apparently it has no set rules, so I have all the power. I choose to pass this award to a few blogs that always leave me feeling intimidated - um, I mean impressed - by the power of the writing I find there.
* Terresa @ Chocolate Chip Waffle - Everything she writes sounds like poetry. I bet even her grocery lists sound beautiful!
* Roxane @ Peace Garden Mama - Her blog posts and her comments are always thoughtful. I feel as though every word has value and is heavy with sincerity.
* Laurel @ Laurel's Leaves - I always feel like Laurel pours her heart into every post.
* Sherrie @ Write About Now - A sure thing for the good blog/great writing combination.