There are some rules that go along with this honor. I am now required to:
1.) Honestly divulge 10 things about myself (this could be scary)
Here goes...
1. I am a hopeless "Fanilow" - yes, that's right, I LOVE Barry Manilow! I told you this could be a little scary. I hope you can still respect me now. :)
2. I am absolutely phobic about dentists. I usually hyperventilate at least once and I cry the whole time. Really. No joke. Remember, I'm required to be honest.
3. I am a complete and total freak about baseball! (some of you may already know this)
4. I played both trumpet and French horn in high school.
5. If I could change one thing about myself, I would wish to be a morning person. Morning is so hard for me!
6. I love shopping online, vanilla lattes, and chocolate with nuts!
7. I was 40 years old before I got my first cell phone. Ugh! Did I say that out loud?
8. My dream agent would be Emily van Beek of Pippin Properties! (Hey! A girl's gotta have a goal) :)
9. My favorite picture book author is Patricia Polacco. Ooooh, I love her! :)
10. I'm a high school English teacher and I totally LOVE my job! :)
Okay, if you're still with me and haven't run away screaming yet, here's the fun part! I am going to pass on the love to... may I have a drumroll please?
Stephanie @ Hatshepsut: The Writing of a Novel
Roni @ Fiction Groupie
Candice @ Suffering from Writer's Blog
Valerie @ Something to Write About
Corey@ Thing 1 and Thing 2
Charmaine @ Wagging Tales
Lisa and Laura (everyone's favorite crazy duo) @ Lisa and Laura Write
Terresa @ The Chocolate Chip Waffle
Sarah and Katie @ Plot This
Caroline @ Caroline by Line
These are some of my daily, must-read blogs, all run by some truly awesome ladies! Give them a visit! ;-)
You'll find the following posted at her site:
So, in celebration of reaching 100+ followers, I'm holding a giveaway. There will be three lucky winners who get to choose from 25 books (and I may be adding more books throughout the giveaway).
The three winners:
1. First winner gets choice of 3 books from pile
2. Second winner gets choice of 2 books remaining in pile
3. Third winner gets choice of 1 book remaining from pile
I may add in another winner, depending on the number of entries.
Go check it out! :)