Saturday, February 27, 2010

Blog Love

From Alexia @ Alexia's Books and Such I received the Blogger Buddie Award .

Apparently, the only rule is to share it with a few blogging buddies. Easy enough. I hereby pass this award to the following buddies:

Robyn Campbell
Jennie Englund
Karen Harrington
Carolyn V.
Mary Aalgaard

From Carolina @ Carol's Prints I received the Quillfeather Award.

The awesome Wendy Morrell created this award (I LOVE her blog!). Here are Wendy’s requirements: Before you take him home, you have to tell me how you like your eggs cooked. Feel free to hand over the award to other Cool Chicks if you wish, but please advise those recipients to keep his hutch clean and tidy at all times. Oh, and make sure he has plenty of grain and water. And love....

Okay, Wendy... I like my eggs best when they are fried, over easy, on a toasted bread sandwich with mayo. Yum! In a pinch, over easy with buttered toast will do.
And I do solemnly swear to love my egg-laying rooster (ha ha ha) and to clean and tidy his hutch regularly. Amen.

I pass this to the following awesomely-cool, rooster-loving chicks:

Elana Johnson
Stephanie @ Hatshepsut
Mandy @ Edge of Seventeen
Karen Amanda Hooper
Liz @ Cleverly Inked

From Noelle @ A Life Rewritten, Amber Lough and Kimberly Franklin I received the From Me to You Award. For this award and the next I must share 7 things about myself (see below) & share with 7 other bloggers.

I'm passing this award to 7 new, loyal-commenting followers. I appreciate your regular visits and faithful comments. Thank you!

Shelley @ Stories in the Ordinary
Jackee @ Winded Words
Susan Fields
Rebecca @ Diary of a Virgin Novelist
Christi @ A Torch in the Tempest
Jen @ Unedited
Susan @ Christian Writer/Reader Connection

From Stephanie @ Hatshepsut I received the Stylish Blogger Award
For this award, I must name 5 fun-tastic things about me:

1. I'm a freak about even and odd numbers (I hate odd #'s), so much so that I got married on a Sunday, just to make sure it was an even numbered day!

2. I chose my sister-in-law's husband for her on e-harmony. And I was soooooo right! :-)

3. I think picture books should be used to teach all subjects at all grade levels!!

4. In college I worked as a waitress. Customers (old guys) love to tell blonde jokes. I'm blonde. No biggie, right? Usually. But one time a gentleman told me a blonde joke and I didn't get it!! Seriously. I didn't get it. That was the most embarrassing moment of my life.

5. I was a majorette and twirled the fire baton in high school.

Here are five of the coolest, most stylin' blogs out there:

Marybeth @ Desperately Searching for my Inner Mary Poppins (#1 blog on my "cool-ometer")
Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers
Juju @ Tales of Whimsy
Ali Cross
Tamika @ The Write Worship

Thanks to all those who honored me with awards. I hope you will all visit the blogs I've chosen to honor today - they rock!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the awards, Shannon! Apparently you're a hoarder too... :)

DL Hammons said...

YAY for you!! And congrats to those you've recognized. Big smiles all around. :)

Mary Aalgaard said...

Hey, Shannon, Glad to be your "Bloggie." Thanks for honoring me! Was there real fire at the end of your baton? Yikes!

kah said...

Two awards? Woo hoo! Thanks. I think my fav way to have eggs is well beaten into flour, sugar, butter, and a few other ingredients with chocolate chips and baked at 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes. Chocolate chip cookies! Mmmmm. Oh,wait. Does that count?

Susan Fields said...

Oops - I put this on the previous post, with my happy birthday wishes to your son, so I'll go ahead and say it again here: thank you for the award! And congrats on all your awards!

Karen Harrington said...

You rock. Thanks for including me. You are my blogger buddy, too! I feel like I have actual work colleagues again. :) Weird, I know...but that's how blog friend connections feel to me.

Shelley Sly said...

Congrats on your many awards! :) And thank you for passing one along to me, you're so sweet!

Pamela said...

Congrats on all of the beautiful awards!

You have another one waiting at:

Christi Goddard said...

Thanks so much, Shannon. I appreciate a great deal that you enjoy my ramblings. :-)

Amalia Dillin said...

Congratulations on the awards!

Stephanie Thornton said...

Hurray for another hoarder!

Thanks for the rooster. Fresh eggs are the best!

And I agree that picture books should be used in all grades. I've got one on China and one on Henry VIII I use. The kids love them!

Unknown said...

Congrats on the awards!!! Thank you for mine as well! You are so sweet!!

Carolyn V. said...

Shannon, you are so awesome. Thanks so much for the award! I love having blogging buddies and am happy to consider you one of them. =) Thanks, thanks, thanks!!!

Karen Lange said...

Congrats to you and the winners!
Happy weekend,

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Shannon -

Congrats on all your awards!

Thank you for the "From Me To You!" award. :)


Jemi Fraser said...

Wow! Congrats on the awards! Well deserved :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats, oh so popular one!

The Quillfeather Award will look splendid in your sidebar :)

Anonymous said...

PS. Forgot to say, thanks for the kind mention. Sweet of you to say :)

Tales of Whimsy said...

Oh wow! How cool! I love it! Thank you thank you thank you :D
I'm beaming!

Angela Ackerman said...

Nice awards and well earned! I hope your chapter book revision is goign well!

Alexia561 said...

Congratulations on all of your awards! Very well deserved! :)

Jackee said...

No way! I get one?! You are so sweet. Thank you!

And congrats on all these awards for you. They are well deserved!

Julie Dao said...

Look at all those awards! Congratulations! :)

VR Barkowski said...

Congrats on all the awards, Shannon! All well deserved. Oh, and that blogger buddie award is too cute!

* said...

I love your blog award posts, it gives me a chance (no, reason!) to visit new blogs.

PS: I, too, think picture books should be used to teach all subjects at all grade levels!!

Gina said...

Congratulations on your awards! Don't they just make you smile?
=0) I know the one you passed to me is....thanks for sharing the bloggy luv! Have a wonderful weekend...and happy reading!

Jennie Englund said...

I accept the Blogger Buddy award with serious gusto!

And, my friend Shannon, a huge cyber hug back to you!!!

Tamika: said...

I'm calling The Matchmaker from now on!

Thanks so much for honoring me and my blog- it makes me so thankful to be a part of this community of writers!

Tamika: said...

I love Simon's comment! And I love the show Hoarders!

ali cross said...

Aw, thanks Shannon! I loved reading about you ~ you are SO fun! ♥

Susan Fields said...

Hi Shannon - I left something for you at my blog. :) Just what you needed - you're pretty well stocked up on awards, but it never hurts to be appreciated, right?

Tracy Loewer said...

Congrats on the awards! How am I ever going to get caught up when you give me even more cool blogs to check out??? :)

Laurel Garver said...

Wow, fire baton! You are beyond awesome (and brave!).

I have a little more blog love for you--something you're already received, so no pressure to pass it on. Just wanted to say THANKS for all your encouragement.

Diana Paz said...

Wow congratulations on all the awards! Very well deserved :)

Liz @ Cleverly Inked said...


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