Tuesday, March 2, 2010


"What no wife of a writer can ever understand is that a writer is working when he's staring out of the window.
~Burton Rascoe

Clearly, the same is true of husbands. Ha ha ha.


Kayeleen Hamblin said...

I love this. The same holds true when I'm staring blankly at my computer screen. (Or various blogs.)

Amalia Dillin said...

When is a writer NOT taking in the world around them and turning it into story? I submit that we are ALWAYS working!

Tamika: said...

I needed this quote a few days ago! I keep trying to convice my husband that daydreaming is part of the job!

Robyn Campbell said...

Hey. I'm always livin' inside myself trying to figure out the book. I need you to talk to the hubby. ;)

Funny chuckle Shannon. Thanks. Gotta show THE man. *grin*

Tere Kirkland said...

LOL, that's me. When I'm a rich and famous writer lady, I'm going to have a special room just for daydreaming. Lots of windows. ;)

Unknown said...

I have some great windows, just for that kind of work!

Unknown said...

I love that! I think I'll be doing a lot of staring out the window today.

Stephanie Thornton said...

I'm moving my writing desk to the turret (yes, I really have a turret) just so I can have a window at my writing desk.

BK Mattingly said...

Ha ha, same goes for mothers. It's hard to convince anyone you're working as you gaze out of a window. :)

Joshua McCune said...

I swear I'm thinking... really, I am.

Kelly Polark said...

Even when writers are sleeping, they are thinking of ideas! I've gotten up to write down ideas in the middle of the night several times!

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Kayeleen - I stare blankly at my screen too. :)

Amalia - Yes, absolutely!

Tamika - Well, now you officially have it writing! Ha ha. :)

Robyn - Did it work?! I'm here for ya, Robyn. Ha ha ha.

Tere - Can I have the room next door? It sounds lovely.

Elle - Lucky duck!

Nisa - Enjoy the view!

Stephanie - I am so jealous of your turret. How cool is that?!

Bethany - It's a rough job we have, but someone has to do it! :)

Bane - Sure... and what does the wife say?! :-)

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Kelly - YES!!! So true! :-)

sarahjayne smythe said...

That is perfect. :) I love it.

Kristen Torres-Toro said...

Ha! That's funny! And true!

Anonymous said...

Oh to daydream :o) I love it!

DL Hammons said...

That is both HILARIOUS...and accurate! :)

Susan Fields said...

I need to post that over my computer - so true!

Karen Harrington said...

Imagine this verse sung in the key of C:

"Have I told you lately that I love you...."

Kimberly Franklin said...

LOL! Could you please tell my hubby this???

I love it!

Jemi Fraser said...

So very, very true :)

Shelley Sly said...

Ah, so true! Sometimes I just put my iPod in my ears and dream up whatever fictional situation comes to mind, and on the outside, it must look like I'm slacking off. But I'm working, I promise!

Also, you have an award waiting at my blog, dear. :)

Karen Lange said...

This is so true. We pretty much work 24/7, don't we? :)

Kelly H-Y said...

Hee, hee ... that is SO true! We're always looking for SOMETHING! :-)

lisa and laura said...

Isn't that the truth? I've been a daydreamer my whole life!

Patti said...

That's how I feel today. I'm reading others posts for some inspiration.

Anonymous said...

As you know, I love quotes. But that one was a beauty!

Mary Aalgaard said...

So, I'm driving down the road, and First Born, who is learning to drive is noticing that I'm not exactly paying attention. I was driving. He was the passenger. I was daydreaming. He was wondering what was distracting me. I said, "Don't do like I do." (There was some very important dialogue going on inside my head.)

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

Sooo true! My computer has been acting ugly lately. It resulted in me acting ugly to my husband (eyes down in shame). I don't think he understands I am lost without my laptop. It defines me...I am so messed up! (We made up...after he called a friend who gave us advice on how to fix my freezing problem. I just realized how awful I sound. I don't think he has understood my writing in since I began three years ago. Now he does.) Life is good. :)

Carolyn V. said...

Hee hee! Love it! My kids once asked me what I was doing sitting at the table and staring out the window. I told them I was writing. They don't ask me anymore. =) Love the cartoon!

Anonymous said...

Funny! I admit I am a daydreamer. :O)

Sherrie Petersen said...

Ha! That goes for the husband's too. He's not really sure what I do all day!

Charmaine Clancy said...

Plotting and planning take up a big section of my day too, I like to call this 'nap time'.

Tracy Loewer said...

This is awesomely funny. My husband hates driving with me because I'm always just staring out the window...

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