Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Sharing Some Blog Love

I've been honored with a couple of awards recently, and it's time to share the love.

Wendy @
W.M. Morrell's Musings From Down Under honored me with the Sugar Doll Award. Isn't it pretty? The award requires me to share 10 things nobody knows about me and to pass it on. For my list of 10 things (done for honest scrap) click here.

I pass this award to a few blogs I believe deserve a truckload more followers than they currently have. I dare you (yes, Frankie and Shannon, I said DARE - I know you can't resist a good dare) all to visit these blogs and click that follower button. You'll love them as much as I do:

Jennie Englund - This award was made for her. She is as "Sugar Doll" as they come. Her smile alone is worth visiting, but her posts are always a joy. Check out her post from Tuesday about her hubby. It is beautiful.

Michelle @ Beautiful Chaos - Her posts are always sincere and interesting. Plus, she has an awesome peacock header!

Play Off the Page - Mary's quotes of the day are one of the highlights of her blog. She is insightful, encouraging, funny, and unpredictable. What more could you hope to find in a good blog?

Winged Writer - You never know what you will find on any given day, and it's always a pleasant surprise. I love the heart and the insight and the artwork to be found on her blog.

Woolgatherings - We all know and love Terresa of The Chocolate Chip Waffle. Jen's writing has the beauty, depth, and liquid-like fluency of Terresa's. I am always deeply moved and effected by the writing to be found here.


Nisa @ Wordplay, Swordplay: The Magic of Writing honored me with the Prolific Blogger Award. The origins and story behind this award can be found here.

Here are the rules:
1. Every winner of the Prolific Blogger Award has to pass on this award to at least seven other deserving prolific bloggers. Spread some love!
2. Each Prolific Blogger must link to the blog from which he/she has received the award.
3. Every Prolific Blogger must link back to the original post, which explains the origins and motivation for the award.
4. Every Prolific Blogger must visit this post and add his/her name in the Mr. Linky, so that we all can get to know the other winners.

I pass this award to:

Karen @ Scobberlotch - You have to spend some time at this blog in order to fully appreciate its uniqueness. Karen's Wordless Wednesday's are beautiful and sentimental - I love them. Check out her post about nature vs. nurture in our writing. Fabulous!

Elana @ Elana Johnson, Author - Elana is the reigning queen of query letters and quirkiness! I see her smiling Avatar almost every time I post a comment somewhere - she's everywhere, supporting and encouraging us all.

Author, Jody Hedlund - If it has to do with the journey from MS to agent to book, Jody knows about it and blogs about it. This blog is an absolute Treasure Island of info.

Terresa @ The Chocolate Chip Waffle - I'm certain you all know about this blog. If you don't, where on earth have you been? Ha ha. To any agents who may be reading this... scoop up this woman before someone else does!

Jenn Johansson - I've been addicted to the posts on her blog since my first visit. You will be too. She recently had a great Part 1 and Part 2 set of posts about things learned from Miss Snark.

It's never easy to select only a few for the sharing of awards. I love all of you!


Michelle Gregory said...

congrats, thanks, and i'll be sure to put it up in a few days, after my book giveaway post. and fun - new blogs to visit.

Elana Johnson said...

Thank you! I feel honored. You've been a great bloggy friend, for which I am thankful. :)

Anissa said...

Congrats on the awards! Nice choices as well. :)

Katie Ganshert said...

Congrats, Shannon! Those are fun! I've never seen those ones before. :)

ali cross said...

Awesome! Congrats!

Mary Aalgaard said...

Thank you, again, I say, thank you. I am particularly pleased to read that I am unpredictable. That's refreshing. Wow. Now, I'm gonna have to come up with something good. 10 things nobody knows about me. That might be hard. Will ruminate while cookin' the spaghetti!

Heidi Willis said...

A great list of new blogs to peruse, and a few of my favorites as well. :)

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Michelle - You're very welcome, and no rush. :)

Elana - I feel honored each time you comment on my blog. You are the queen, after all, and I am your humble servant. Ha ha ha. :-)

Anissa - Thanks!

Katie - They are fun, aren't they?!

Ali - Thanks bunches!

Mary - You are so welcome. I look forward to ten more things to bond us!

Heidi - Thanks. They are ALL awesome.

* said...

Yes, Elana is everywhere! (That must be her superpower, blog reading prowess!)

Thank you for this award and your kind words!(Agents of the world, are you reading this??) :)

What a perfect reason to celebrate with a chocolate chip pazookie tonight!

Kimberly Franklin said...

Congrats on your awards, Shannon!!!

Frankie Diane Mallis said...

Hahaha way to call us out SHannon! Will be hopping over:-) And congrats on all of your awards!

Unknown said...

There are so many new blogs on that list for me! I can't wait to check them out.

Congrats on your awards. You really do deserve them!

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!!! What fun awards!!! I haven't seen these around, but these are really neat!!! Well deserved!

Kelly H-Y said...

Congratulations on the wonderful awards! Now, I need to go check out all the ones you awarded!!!

lisa and laura said...

Congrats on all the awards, lady! Your blog is so fab they're totally deserved. XOXO

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Terresa - Yummy! Have one for me too.

Kimberly - Thanks!

Frankie - Ha ha ha. I was hoping you'd be by to see that. Go visit them.

Nisa - Thanks. Enjoy the links.

Jen - They are neat. Thanks!

Kelly - Enjoy them. They are all wonderful.

LiLa - You guys are the coolest!

Ellz said...

Congrats on your award. I just followed you from Satisfaction for Insatiable readers. Great blog. I am a new follower too!

Jemi Fraser said...

Congrats! Great choices too :)

I totally agree - it's always tough choosing only a few!

Unknown said...

Hi, Shannon! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm always glad to find fellow teacher-writer-moms! :) I teach first grade, where the little readers are just beginning to sprout. ;) (My hubby teaches high school... after moving up from 3rd... and then to middle school...)

Congrats on your awards! I look forward to checking out more of your blog!


Kelly Polark said...

Congrats on your awards, Shannon! I'm going to go back and check out the blogs you listed!

Jennie Englund said...

Shannon, thank you for Sugar Doll! I have always loved dolls -- and I love sugar!

You are the most wonderful friend I've never met.

Courtney Reese said...

Congrats on your awards! Well deserved!

Heather said...

One of my favorite thing about other people getting awards is finding new blogs - thanks for the links!

Alexia561 said...

Congratulations on your awards! You're having a great month! :-)

VR Barkowski said...

Congratulations on your awards, Shannon! Can't wait to check out the blog links. Does anyone know the maximum capacity for Google Reader? I keep expecting it to explode.

Catherine Denton said...

Shannon, you are so sweet. Get it? Sugar doll...sweet? Okay it wasn't that funny. Anyway, congratulations and thank you so much!
Winged Writer

Carolyn V. said...

Woo hoo! Congrats everyone on the awards. =)

in which a girl reads said...

Congrats! You totally deserve all of the awards :D

Carolyn V. said...

Shannon, I left you an award on my blog. (Because you are just awesome!) And I wanted you to know. =)

Stephanie Thornton said...

Congrats on your awards! Great choices too- I already follow several of those blogs!

Anonymous said...

Wow ... this is quite a blog. I spent a few minutes navigating around and liked what I was. Lots of commenters too. And I sometimes have a Stephen King fix too. Best wishes for your continued success.

Stephen Tremp

Shelley Sly said...

Shannon, congrats on your awards! And thanks so much for visiting my blog! I like the top 10 list that you linked. It must be so rewarding to be an English teacher (which would be one of my professions of choice after being an author.) Very cute blog -- I'll be back!

Jody Hedlund said...

Thank you for the award, Shannon! I appreciate your vote of confidence! Have a wonderful day! :-)

Shannon O'Donnell said...

You guys are all so awesome! Thanks for all the comments and smiling faces. You made my morning! :-)

Roxane B. Salonen said...

You are such a generous soul, Shannon. Always passing around love. :) Have a good one!

Robyn Campbell said...

Congrats my pal Shannon and all you picked. Sheesh am I ever behind on awards. I guess I'll get caught up one day.

And you are a generous soul. Thanks for the most beautiful comment at my blog today. You'll never know how much it means. =)

Jennifer Shirk said...

Congrats on the awards! Great choices, too!

Julie Dao said...

Congrats on your beautiful awards, Shannon ... they are well-deserved :) Hope you're having a wonderful week so far!

The Rejection Queen said...

Congrats on your awards. I got some too but I have no idea what I'm suppose to do with them lol. Oh and thanks for dropping by my blog. I'm having a good time with yours.

Carolina M. Valdez Schneider said...

You are incredibly deserving--truly, you define sugar doll. Congrats on your awards, m'dear!

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Roxane - Thank you. You are always so kind to me.

Robyn - I meant every word!

Jennifer - Thanks!

Julie - I hope your week is a great one, too.

Queen - I'm so glad you stopped by. Visit any time.

Carolina - * blushing* :-)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the awards! So deserved :)

Will look forward to checking out the links!

Karen Harrington said...

You know you're my favorite blogger, right? :) Thank you for your kind words about my blog. You made my day.


Christi Goddard said...

Thanks for stopping by. I'm now following you in return. Have a great evening and stay warm!

Liz @ Cleverly Inked said...

Congrats to all the winners!

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