Let's pop open the champagne, turn up the music, and gorge ourselves on unhealthy party foods!
But what's a party without prizes? We need prizes! Good prizes. Coveted, must-have, can't live without prizes. Oh, yeah. Wanna know what they are? Do ya? Me too.
I've been thinking about this for a while now, and Here's what I came up with. You all know what you covet, must have, can't live without right now. I don't. So you get to choose this time. I got this idea from Candyland (thanks, Candace) when she offered several pre-order books, and I was lucky enough to win Paranormalcy. That was a definite must-have for me!
3 Winners!
ANY upcoming release
pre-ordered and delivered to your door
you choose, I buy!
ANY upcoming release
pre-ordered and delivered to your door
you choose, I buy!
To enter:
- You must be a follower of my blog (Old = +3 New = +1)
- You must leave a comment on this post with your email address by Oct. 22nd (next Friday)
Extra Entries:
- +2 Follow me on Networked Blogs
- +5 do a blog post about this contest
- +3 link it in your sidebar
- +2 Each: Twitter, FB, etc.
- +1 for each person who says you sent them
- +1 for doing the math
Some possibilities:
- Across the Universe by Beth Revis
- Possession by Elana Johnson
- Pegasus by Robin McKinley
- Nightshade by Andre Cremer
- Matched by Ally Condie
- The Mockingbirds by Daisy Whitney
- XVI by Julia Karr
- Diary of a Wimpy Kid 5
- The Ranger's Apprentice: Book 10 by John Flannagan
- Virals by Kathy Reichs
- Forge by Laurie Halse Anderson
- Sapphique by Catherine Fisher
- Bad Taste in Boys by Carrie Harris (when available)
- Selling Hope by Kristin O'Donnell Tubb
Good luck to everyone!
Yay! 3 entries for me please!
candace ganger at yahoo dot com:)
+3 Old follower
+2 Follow me on Networked Blogs (Jennifer Hardy Jackson)
+1 for doing the math
Total Entries: 6
Congrats on the followers!!
What wonderful reasons to celebrate, Shannon! :o) Huge congrats.
Let's see... old follower, network follower, put in sidebar, FB message, and I'll do the math.
That's 11.
Thanks for the great party! :o)
As always you ROCK!!! This is a fabulous giveaway all thanks to some very awesome milestones!!! Congratulations!!
Well this is my comment of course! I always follow you :)
+3 Old Follower
+5 do a blog post about this contest
+3 link it in your sidebar
+2 Each: Twitter, FB, etc.
+1 for each person who says you sent them
+1 for doing the math
That is 15+ for me :) I'll be updating everything and sending you links!!
Ooohhh....congrats on all your great accomplishments! And a delightful contest!
Old follower and doing the math...so plus 4 for me!
wardkristi (at) hotmail (dot) com
Great party!
Way to go, Shannon. Congratulations!!! Congratulations!!! And more congratulations!!!
Those are fabulous markers to pass!! And **slirp** sorry, I was drooling over your prize.
Okay, I'm an old follower +3, I will blog post this contest +5, I will twitter it + 2 and I will do the math +1.
Altogether = 11
Making Life a Work of Art!
hi miss shannon! Yikes! over 500 followers! how could you ever keep up with all of them. wow i love contests so lucky lenny is joining up. i get 3 points for being an already follower and 1 for adding up 3 and 1 into 4. my email is lennylee@rocketmail.com. i hope i could win a prize.
...hugs from lenny
Congrats and party it up!!
+ 3 old follower
+2 networked blog
+5 blog about it (will do on Monday)
+3 link to sidebar
+1 doing the math
14 total
email christine.danek@verizon.net
Ahhh--I'm finally back to blog hopping again and the first day I stop by is a contest. I swear--that's not why I'm here! (though, yanno, I won't complain if I win.) ;)
But here's hoping I'll have time to stop by more. I love your blog and miss it! Congrats on passing all those milestones #2. I think that means you deserve the #1 title for a bit, don't you? :)
Shannon, I'm thinking that from all the joy and goodness you put forth, you are one blessed girl!
I'd get me some POSSESSION! LOVE E.J. and her blog!
9 points!
You are awesome-sweet to provide such swag! You deserve every one of your followers! I think I'm at 8...lucky 8. :)
Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse
Uhm... is this competition open to foregners?
Yes, Misha!
+3 old follower. I LOVE this idea. I might have to borrow it as well.
Yay! Congratulations.
I'll join the party.
Three entries for me. :)
+2 Old follower
+1 For doing the math.
So cool Shannon, congrats on all your success! I have 6 points. I linked you on my side plus I'm an old follower. Sweet! What a great idea.
Go Shannon! Congrats on your milestones.
I am an old follower +3
I follow you on Network Blogs +2
I will be tweeting this post +2
I can count +1
8 points, yay.
jonarntson at gmail dot com
Way to go, Shannon! Congrats!
You can count me in!
+3 old follower
+2 I'm now following you on Networked blogs
I have an awful time trying to post links in my sidebar, so I won't commit:-P
+2 I'll Twitter about the contest
+1 I'll try the math
Oops! Too much for me to grasp all at one time; here's my email: Cinette5(at)hotmail(dot)com
Did someone say PARTY?? Woo, congrats on your enormous list of followers!
+3 old follower (but I'm only 40)
+2 twitter
+1 adding
wolfpaw (at) hotmail (dot) com
Happy Blogoversary! You've crafted an incredible place, Shannon! My most heartfelt congratulations!
Aww, I love your blog, Shannon. Congrats on all the followers - you're awesome and deserve it! I'll blog about it tomorrow, and tweet and FB today, so count me in for 13 entries.
Congrats, Shannon! Enter me for 4 entries (3- old follower and 1-doing math). :)
Congratulations! That's so exciting! And what a great way to celebrate :)
+3 old follower
+2 tweeting
+1 doing the math
So 6! meredithmoore5@gmail.com
Congrats on having a magnificent blog!! :)
+3 for being an old follower.
reddshell at gmail dot com
Love the contest idea -- so fun!
Old follower +3
Network Blog follower +2
Total = 5 :)
Oh, man! I want so MANY on that list!
Old Follower +3, um, adding up? +1 for a total of +4?
Hello Shanon, Congratulations on all 3 of your accomplishments. Okay I may not be able to spell but I am good at math so...
+3 Old follower
+2 Networked Blogs follower
+1 doing the math
6 entries please
Oh and because its a contest and you are a nice person, I will let you get away with calling me old ...this time.
3 entries please!
I live in Aus... yippee
Wow! Shannon, 500 followers? What's your secret?
Here are my points
+3- old follower
+2- networked blogs
+1 doing the math
That's six for me.
Is this one where we can add enteries up until the deadline? Currently I am at 4!
500 followers? That's awesome!
whatinabox at gmail dot com
+3 Old follower
+3 Sidebar: http://bookishinabox.blogspot.com/
+2 Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/bookishinabox/status/27479570789
+1 TOTAL = 9
Congratulations and thanks for the awesome contest!!!
+1 New Blog Follower (Tiemi-@Tibiux)
+2 Follow on Networked Blogs (Fcbk account-Karen Senoo)
+5 do a blog post about this contest (http://bookingpromos.blogspot.com/2010/10/party-time-at-book-dreaming.html)
+3 link it in your sidebar (http://bookingpromos.blogspot.com/)
+2 Tweeted: http://twitter.com/Tibiux/status/27485100920
+1 for doing the math
Total: 14
tibiux at yahoo dot com dot br
Awesome giveaway! So excited. Fingers crossed.
+1 New follower
+5 blog post: http://kayaloves.blogspot.com/2010/10/contest-book-dreaming.html
I was sent by Tracy Loewer from A Blissful Life
+1 adding
That's 7 i think. I'm bad at math.
Can I please win? Okay thanks. :)
All right, here we go:
+1 New Follower
+2 Following on Networked Blogs
+5 Blog post about the contest
+3 Link in my sidebar
+2 Tweeted
+2 Facebooked
+1 Did the math!
That adds up to a grand total of 16 entries!
Oh, and I was sent here by Tracy Loewer at A Blissful Life.
And if anyone says I sent them, I'm Jessica from Put it on Paper
Here's hoping I finally win something! :)
Thanks for the great giveaway!
(I'm hoping for MATCHED...)
Oh and I forgot to say that my email address is jessicasue90@gmail.com
Sorry about that!
I love your idea of a party!
+1 New Blog Follower (Mrs. DeRaps)
+2 Follow on Networked Blogs
+3 link it in your sidebar www.derapsreads.blogspot.com
+1 for doing the math
7 entries (lucky number, I hope!)
mrsderaps @ hotmail . com
Put me down for 3!! Yay!! Congrats on all the followers! That's amazing!
Great contest and congrats on the 500 followers. Old follower plus I've done the math = 4 entries. rachael[dot]harrie[at]gmail[dot]com.
Congratulations and thanks for this great contest! :)
+1 new follower
+2 for tweeting - http://twitter.com/FreakChiq/statuses/27519085007
+1 for doing the math
Total = 4
Congrats on 500 followers! Huge milestone!
+1 New follower
+2 Link on Goodreads - http://www.goodreads.com/user_status/show/3921931
+2 Link Twitter - http://twitter.com/#!/BadassBookie/status/27521123583
+2 Link Contest Page - http://badassbookie.blogspot.com/p/contests-around-blogosphere.html
+3 Side Bar ( Right under review policy) -
+1 Do the Maths
Total - 11
CONGRATS ON THE 500 FOLLOWERS! And all of your recent achievements, actually. That's fantastical!
+1 new follower
+2 Follow me on Networked Blogs ("Cass Says")
+3 link it in your sidebar (http://wordsonpaperya.blogspot.com)
+8: Twitter (http://twitter.com/#!/cc9309/status/27523217643); Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/wordsonpaperya/posts/125769490811587); Goodreads (http://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/422170-any-upcoming-book-release & http://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/422171-any-upcoming-book-release & http://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/422172-any-upcoming-book-release)
(Lisa, Badass Bookie: followed her twitter link)
+1 TOTAL: 15
cc932005 at hotmail dot com
Oh, belated happy blogoversary! ^^
+1 New follower here!
+2 followed on Networked Blogs (Julianne Grace Agito)
+3 link on sidebar: http://amaterasureads.blogspot.com/
+2 tweeted: http://twitter.com/amaterasureads/status/27523353876
+1 doing the math
total: 9
amaterasureads AT gmail DOT com
Congrats on the followers! I would love to enter if this is International! Thank you!
You must be a follower of my blog (New = +1)
+2 Follow me on Networked Blogs
+5 do a blog post about this contest
+3 link it in your sidebar(left)
+2 twitter
+8 4 groups on Goodreads
+1 for doing the math = 22
count me in! congratulations for breaching the 500 followers!
+1 - new follower
+2 - follower on Networked Blogs (@maidenveil)
+5 - included in blog post: http://tinyurl.com/356c6ub
+3 - linked in contest page: http://maidenveil.blogspot.com/p/contests-and-giveaways.html
+2 - posted in Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/booboodel/posts/154068371297803
+1 - for tallying
14 = TOTAL
hey :)
1 - new follower :)
3 - linked in sidebar
2 - networked blog thingy...
1 - doing the maths
total = 7
and, i really like the idea of this give-away - very cool. congrats on your blogoversary
Thank you for the giveaway!
I am your new follower via GFC.
xlacrimax at gmail dot com
I'd love to play please :d
+3 old follower
+2 Following you on Networked Blog
+1 total = 6
Oops ... forgot to add that I follow you via network blog under Lesley Cheah.
Congrats! Hope you double all those milestones!
+1 New Follower
+2 Following on Networked Blogs (Mika White)
+1 For doing the math :)
4 entries for me.
+1 New Follower
+3 Link at the blog ( http://splashofourworlds.blogspot.com/p/giveaways.html)
+2 Twitter: https://twitter.com/SplashOOWorlds/status/27531719329
+1 Sent by: Misha at My Love Affair with books Blog
+1 for math
Total= 8
+1 new follower
+2 followed on Networked Blog (Fiona Chan)
+5 blog post: http://fionalevesque.blogspot.com/2010/10/book-dreaming-party-time.html
+3 sidebar: http://fionalevesque.blogspot.com/
+2 library thing: http://www.librarything.com/topic/100621&newpost=1#lastmsg
+1 calculating:
Total: 14
feeyonachan at gmail dot com
thank you! :D
I'm following now. Tracy sent me over. I'm an aspiring middle grade author so your blog intrigues me beyond the giveaway. Happy blogiversary!
Please Enter me !
+1 New Follower
+2 I Follow you on Networked Blogs
+5 do a blog post about this contest(http://booktopiasign.blogspot.com/2010/10/party-time-at-book-dreaming.html)
+3 link it in your sidebar(http://booktopiasign.blogspot.com/)
+2 Twitter :http://twitter.com/#!/raluk15/status/27547379469
+2 FB:http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=104254572974385&id=100001220197834
+1 for doing the math
=16 Entries
raluk.93 at gmail (dot) com
i love the giveaway!
is this international??
if it is enter me please :)
+1 follower
and i announced in my blog: http://mividaimpredecible.blogspot.com/p/concursos.html
i don´t know haw many extra entries are for doing that so i´m nt going to count them...
have a nice day!
and thanks!
congrats! thanks for this awesome giveaway!
+1 new follower
Congratulations on the success of your blog! I would like to be entered to for this contest and I am a new follower for 1 entry.
Awesome! : )
New = +1
+2 Twitter http://twitter.com/wordsrollon/status/27583228796
+1 for doing the math
4 Total.
ambience.of.rain {at} gmail.com
Awesome contest Shannon!
3 (follower) 2 (tweeted) 1 (math) = 6 total :)
Love this giveaway! Thanks so much!
+1 new follower
+2 tweet: http://twitter.com/Theresa_9/status/27589778227
+1 for doing math
= 4 total entries
Thanks so much for the giveaway!
+1 New Follower
+3 followed on networked blogs
+5 blogpost http://fifteenaintsosweet.blogspot.com/2010/10/party-time-at-book-dreaming-in-past.html
+3 sidebar http://fifteenaintsosweet.blogspot.com
+2 tweet http://twitter.com/#!/IvaliceAlliance/status/27592756950
+1 for doing the math
Hi! Congrats on the 500+ followers!
+1 New follower
+2 Followed you on Network Blogs (reading Lassie)
+3 Sidebar link (http://readinglassie.blogspot.com)
+2 Tweeted (http://twitter.com/ReadingLassie/status/27597429503)
+2 Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/#!/readinglassie/posts/154610061240711)
+1 Doing the math
+1 new Follower
+1 Maths
Thanks for the giveaway.
Carol T
buddytho {at} gmail DOT com
More power to your blog Shannon!!
(+1) I'm a new follower. My GFC name is Cherry.
(+2) Follow you at Networked Blogs. My Facebook name is Cherry Mischivous.
(+5) Re-posted your contest at: http://contests-freebies.blogspot.com/2010/10/win-pre-order-books-at-book-dreaming.html
(+3) Got your contest in my sidebar under the Contests Around The Webysphere box at: http://www.cherrymischievous.com/
(+2) Twitted: http://twitter.com/#!/cherrymischivus/status/27623393549
(+2) Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/cherrymischievous#!/cherrymischievous/posts/111853675544348
(+2) MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/cherry.d
(+1) for doing the math: TOTAL POINTS = 18
Cherry Mischievous
cherrymischif-warrior [at] yahoo [dot] com
Count me in for sure!
+1 Newbie follower
+1 Doing the maths
You can reach me at luvpinkpanther@gmail.com
Congratulations on all of the follower. I am an old follower and email subscriber. I would love to read Across the Universe. Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com
+1 New follower
+2 Posted on goodreads (http://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/422771-book-dreaming)
+1 Doing the math
=4 entries!
Thanks for the great giveaway!!
ekta.p7 [at] gmail [dot] com
Big Congrats to you Great giveaway thank you so much for the chance!
+2 Following on Networked Blogs
+3 Old follower/latishajean
+2 tweeted too
+2 facebook
+1 added
Total = 10
Happy blogoversary. Great giveaway.
New follower +1
+2 Follow me on Networked Blogs
+1 for doing the math
Total: 4 entries
congrats on reaching those milestones!
+1 new follower
+3 link it in your sidebar
+1 total: +5
Thanks for hosting this!
+1 New follower, hi :)
+2 Follower on Networked Blogs
+5 Blogpost: http://bookaways.blogspot.com/2010/10/party-giveaway.html
+3 Sidebar (same link)
+1 Math!
12 entries :)
I was sent by TRACY LOEWER
I really want to order Pegasus or XVI!
my email berendsen70 at yahoo
+2 Follow me on Networked Blogs
+3 link it in your sidebar (http://margoberendsen.blogspot.com
+2 Twitter (http://twitter.com/writerWyoming/status/27680946735)
+1 for doing the math
8 points
Thanks for the giveaway!
+3 old gfc follower
+2 i tweeted http://twitter.com/vampficionada/status/27682290613
+ 1 for doing the math
total= 6
jessica b
Awesome giveaway! :oD
+1 New Follower
+2 Networked Blogs (as Rebecca M Fleming)
+3 Link on Sidebar (awordsworth.blogspot.com)
+2 Link on facebook (http://www.facebook.com/posted.php?id=133066460060923&share_id=165837486776006&comments=1#s165837486776006)
+2 Tweeted (http://twitter.com/RivkaBelle/status/27700508747)
+1 For Doing the Math
Total: 11 entries for me, please! :o)
Hey Shannon
I just found your blog via this giveaway but it looks great, I'd love competitions that allow us to pick our own prizes. GREAT CHOICE :)
+1 new follower
+2 tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/hollyy___x/status/27708274972
+1 for doing the math
total points: FOUR :)
I hope this is international, too. If so, please enter me :)
+1 I'm a new follower
+1 for the math ;)
Total: +2
Congrats on your achievements and thanks for this awesome giveaway!
+1 I'm a new follower
+1 the math
I'm a new follower ^_^
my email is
and my total entriy is 5.
CONGRATULATIONS!! Could not happen to a better person!!! You are such a doll! Love the contest! Please enter me for 3 right now...might be back with more ;o)
Visit My Kingdom Anytime
+1 New Follower
I would like to be entered please :)
chidoryx AT hotmail DOT com
+1 for doing the math
= 2
I would like to win Bad Taste in Boys by Carrie Harris
I'm in, and I'm putting you on my sidebar. Cool! And congrats on all the achievements!
+1 New follower
+2 Follow on Networked Blogs
+2 Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/celeste576012/status/27767589702
+1 for doing the math
Total: 6
Congrats on your Blogoversary!!! I'm a follower and have been for some time! Hooray!
+1 New Follower
+1 Math
Total= 2
Congrats on your blogerversary (or however you spell it), all your followers and your dedication to blogging. You have worked hard for all these accomplishments. But, most importantly, I feel like I know you through this blog, and mine, and I enjoy reading your posts.
I'm an old follower +3
who does math. +1
Thanks! =4
myrnabobfoster at yahoo dot com
1 follower
1 math 2 entries please :D
I am a new follower +1
Math (not my strong point in life) +1
Please enter me :)
baychriz at gmail dot com
+1 new follower
+1 math
=2 total!
Thanks so much!
Thanks a lot for your giveaway:)
+1 I'm a new follower
+2 I tweeted:
+3 Sidebar link:
http://loveinbooks.blogspot.com/ (It's in Slovak language but you will find it on the right side under giveaways)
+1 total: 7
judittten at gmail dot com
Ahhh! What a great contest!! And dude, you have my book as a possibility. I think it's a sign of my mental (un)stability that I started tearing up a little at that...
Enter me! Enter me! I'm an old follower, so +3. And I twittered about it (not sure if that's the right word. :D). So +5 in all, I think. Thanks for such a great contest!
How fun is this! So:
+3 Old Follower
+3 Sidebar link
+1 for doing the math
Total= +7
Congrats on all the landmarks! Very awesome. :)
Hah. Can't remember if I commented. Duh.
Old follower, tweeted, FB, in my sidebar, Networksblogs, math = 13
There are so many new books coming that I want so this is a great giveaway.
+1 I'm a new follower
+2 I follow on network blogs.
+1 for doing the math
total entries = 4
jlynettes @ hotmail . com
+1 new follower
+2 follow on Networked Blogs-Rae Pavey
+3 sidebar:
+1 add up
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
*Whew* That's a lotta' comments. I'm a new Follower, so please enter me in your awesome contest. Good luck to all.
~ Yaya
I'm an old follower so +3 for me!!!
Fabulous contest and 6 entries for me! YAY!
4 for me for following on network blogs and GFC and adding :-)
Sign me in!! I am a new follower...
anto_90_5 (at) hotmail (dot) com
New Follower
Twitter: http://twitter.com/c_cass189/status/28063275993
Sidebar: http://librarymosaic.blogspot.com/
cjmfnobrega (at) gmail (dot) com
Total Entries: 7
Awesome giveaway! Here are my entries:
+3 Old Follower
+2 Following on Networked Blogs
+5 Blog Post: http://calicocritic.blogspot.com/2010/10/wednesday-contest-report-october-20th.html
+3 Sidebar:
+2 Tweet:
+2 Facebook post:
+2 Goodreads Status Update:
+1 Math:
Total Points: 20
Laura Hartness
The Calico Critic
CalicoCritic at gmail dot com
Awesome giveaway!
+1 New follower
+2 Networked blogs Follower: Arantza C
+5 Blog Post: http://fictionkingdom.blogspot.com/2010/10/international-contest-sunday-19.html
+3 Sidebar: http://fictionkingdom.blogspot.com
+2 Tweet: http://twitter.com/Sparima/status/28359635587
+1 Total: 14
Awesome contest! Thanks a bunch!
+1 New follower
+3 Sidebar: http://thebookpixie.blogspot.com/
+2 Tweeted: http://twitter.com/thebookpixie/status/28371913817
+1 Added up
Total entries= 7
Oh and I forgot this one
+2 Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=123183174405788&id=695450277
So total= 9(not 7)
Hello! I'm new! Thank you for the giveaway! Please count me in
New = +1
+1 New follower (missreneer)
+2 Follow you on Networked Blogs (Renee Johnson)
+1 for doing the math
Total Entries: 4
Thanks for the great giveaway and Congrats on your milestones :)
+1 New Follower
+3 Sidebar: http://bibliophiles-journal.blogspot.com/
+2 Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/shy8629/status/28428714296
+1 Total: 7 entries
Thank you so much!
i'm a new follower!
thanks for the giveaway!
darlyn225 at gmail dot com
3 entries please :)
hasan8 (at) yorku (dot) ca
I hope I'm not too late!
I'm a old follower, a NetWorked Blogs follower, and I did the math = +6.
My email address is ssfields(at)charter(dot)net.
Congrats on all your milestones!
Congrats for making it to 600 already!
+1 I'm a new follower :)
+2 Follow me on Networked Blogs
+3 link it in your sidebar
+2 FB: http://www.facebook.com/entrelibros.blog/posts/136668603049231
+2 http://twitter.com/Entre_Libros/status/28476830823
+1 Total: 11
entrelibros_blog at hotmail.com
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