Yesterday I was a little blue. Today, I look like this:

Happy Thoughts:
I am sending out a big-time THANK YOU to all of my wonderful blogging buddies. You are happy thoughts and fairy dust kind of spectacular! I appreciate your suggestions and kind words more than you know. Also, it looks like Valerie, Bethany, and I are going to give this critique group thing a try together. Isn't that the greatest? It took only one day for this online community of ours to come to my rescue - what a blessing you all are!
More Happy Thoughts:
Additional thank-you's go out to Bethany at Aspirations and Kasie West for honoring me with awards this week, and thank you Sherrie at Write About Now for the gift of four gingerbread men from the Solvang Bakery!
1st: Bethany honored me with my second Honest Scrap award. Click here to see the list of 10 honest things about me.

I pass on the love to...
~ Roxane @ Peace Garden Mama (for always helping me feel like a better person)
~ Tracy @ Crossing Chalk (OMG Hilarious!)
~ Stephanie @ Stephanie Damore (too dang cute for words!)
~ Kasie @ Kasie West (best smile on the blogosphere & a super-fun blog)
~ Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse (I learn something new every time I visit)
~ Sara @ The Babbling Flow of a Fledgling Scribbler (for always making me smile)
~ MeganRebekah @ MeganRebekah Blogs and Writes (one of my must-reads!)
~ storyqueen @ Storyqueen's Castle (a brilliant woman and a great blog)
~ Andrea Cremer @ A Blurred History (love her blog!)
Choco @ In Which a Girl reads (for such great book reviews!)
~ Tracy @ Crossing Chalk (OMG Hilarious!)
~ Stephanie @ Stephanie Damore (too dang cute for words!)
~ Kasie @ Kasie West (best smile on the blogosphere & a super-fun blog)
~ Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse (I learn something new every time I visit)
~ Sara @ The Babbling Flow of a Fledgling Scribbler (for always making me smile)
~ MeganRebekah @ MeganRebekah Blogs and Writes (one of my must-reads!)
~ storyqueen @ Storyqueen's Castle (a brilliant woman and a great blog)
~ Andrea Cremer @ A Blurred History (love her blog!)
Choco @ In Which a Girl reads (for such great book reviews!)
2nd: Kasie Honored me with...

This award requires me to share 7 more things about myself and then pass it on to 7 more bloggers. Kasie described it as getting virtual flowers - I love that.
1. I'm allergic to onions, which is an incredibly inconvenient thing to be allergic to because EVERYONE cooks with onion.
2. My favorite movies are Remember the Titans and Finding Forrester
3. I love the Ocean
4. Have I mentioned before that I love baseball? Go A's!
5. I teach Sunday school
6. My kids are 12 (boy), 7 (boy), and 5 (girl) years old
7. My favorite color is yellow

I pass on the love to...
Sherrie @ Write About Now (Thank you for your kind contest)
Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse (Virtual Flowers are not nearly enough, but they're a start)
Roxane @ Peace Garden Mama (You truly do brighten my day)
Stephanie @ Hatshepsut (because you are the first blog I check every morning!)
Lisa @ Lisa and Laura (because she's had a craptastic week)
Bethany @ Aspirations
Valerie @ Something to Write About ( my two new critique partners- yay!)
Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse (Virtual Flowers are not nearly enough, but they're a start)
Roxane @ Peace Garden Mama (You truly do brighten my day)
Stephanie @ Hatshepsut (because you are the first blog I check every morning!)
Lisa @ Lisa and Laura (because she's had a craptastic week)
Bethany @ Aspirations
Valerie @ Something to Write About ( my two new critique partners- yay!)
To all of you, I say again, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! for being so supportive.
Awwww.... Am I really the first blog you check every morning? That just gave me the warm fuzzies!
Thanks! And congrats on both your awards- you definitely deserve them. You have a wonderful blog, one I love checking every day!
You're one of my must-reads each day too :)
Thanks for the award!!
Good news that you were able to find a writer's group that quickly. :) And good luck to you guys. Thanks for the award. (I have been blessed with dimples so it's hard not to have a good smile with dimples.) :) I will post it on my blog on Wednesday.
Shannon, I was just thinking yesterday that your blog is one of those that when I visit, I always feel happy. In part, it's those pretty butterflies and the bright colors, but it's more than that. Even on the blue days, I feel a lightness when I visit. I am so glad we've crossed paths -- what a blessing! Thanks for your kind words, too. Wow -- great way to start the day!!!
Congrats on the awards! I followed you over here rom Sara McClung's blog! Love the images on your bog. So cheerful.
Aww! Thanks for the flowers lady. Your blog always brightens my day! You definitely deserve all of these fabulous awards!!!
Congrats on the Awards & those who received them!
I am still here Shannon - I actually have a post going up today with the opportunity to win a book or another entertaining surprise!
Sorry for the disappearing act, Husband's Birthday week has been time consuming! ;o) But I love him!
Stephanie - yes, I really do check your blog first every day. I've become a Hatshepsut addict!
MeganR - You are super welcome! :)
Kasie - if you ever get tired of those dimples, can I have them? ;-)
Roxane - Awww... That's exactly why you always make me feel so good - you are the kindest! I think you are a blessing, too. Really.
Carolina - thanks for visiting and leaving a comment. New friends are awesome!
Lisa - Thank you! I hope you join me in my change from blue to yellow! ;)
Princess - Yay! I've missed you. Did you send hubby on a scavenger hunt?
That picture got me laughing. I'm so glad you're feeling sunny today!
Aw, thanks so much!! And also YESSSSSS I can't wait to check out all these other blogs!! :-)
You were so sweet to come over to my blog... I linked you today and gave you an award too!
I just found my way over here from Sara's blog. I'm glad that you're feeling more positive, I know how the querying process can tear your heart out at times. Anyway, great blog and I'll be back.
Awesome news! And, congrats on the well-deserved awards! :-)
Thanks for the flowers! After all the puking and fevers from sick kids here yesterday, flowers are nice :)
Glad you're not so blue!
Catherine - I'm glad the picture added some sun to YOUR day. :)
Sara - Between the two of us and Kasie, there are a ton of new blogs to check out - woo-hoo!
Diana - Aw, the start of a beautiful friendship! ;)
Rhiannon - I followed you back and I'm still laughing at your post!
Kelly - thank you!
Sherrie - just think...these flowers will never die and we can look at them every day, forever! :)
Shannon, wow, how could I have missed this. I'm digging both your blogs. Quite fun.
Yay! thanks for the award and the shout out!! I can't wait for this critique group to get started!!
Congrats on the awards! Thanks for visiting my blog today!
I can feel the warmth and happines bouncing "Off the Page"!
Congratulations Shannon! And to all the winners! Visiting is definitely a highlight to my day.
Thank you for visiting my blog and for your comment. I like the fun look of your blog. Looks like we both had an award day.
Congrats on your awards! I love Remember the Titans as well. Great movie!
Looks like there's a lot of love on this blog- I look forward to future posts :o)
I wish I were allergic to onions... then maybe would people would care when I say how much I loathe them. **angry evil onion glare**
Stopping by to say thank you for dropping by my blog, hi, and how much I love happy thoughts and happy things. :)
Thank you so much for the award and virtual flowers! You are so wonderful to think of me. I also noticed you've gotten a crit group sorted as well! That's great--you'll have to blog on how it goes!
congrads everyone! well deserved.
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