Beth Revis is having a contest to celebrate her phenomenal book deal. She has two, OMG! fabulous prize packages that she has spent way too much time putting together for two lucky winners. Go enter!
In a moment of total insanity, Shannon Messenger is giving away an autographed copy of Hush, Hush to celebrate 400 followers! Yes, you read that right - 400 followers!
Check out her blog for the list of entry rules.
Courtney, our lovely Southern Princess, is having a mega-monsteriffic giveaway to celebrate 100 followers. The prizes are too many and too grand to list here, so you will have to bop over to her blog for the full revelation. If you choose not to enter this one, that's okay. 'Cause I REALLY want to win!! Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!
Valerie @ I Should Be Writing is giving away a brand new, hardback copy of Guardian of the Dead. Go check it out!
And now for the awards. GunDiva was sweet enough to brighten my day with the Sunshine Award (which I've been wanting forever, because my favorite color is yellow!). This award is to be shared with faithful and supportive commenters. I think I'm supposed to share it with 10 bloggers, but that's too many. I'm going to pass it to 6, no-fail, always-dependable faces - ones I KNOW I will see when I check my comments. Thanks for your support!

Elana Johnson
Kimberly Franklin
Carolyn V.
Robyn Campbell
Valerie Geary
Shelley Sly
And Felicia, from Little Secret of Me, gave me the Your Blog is a Treasure Award. I haven't seen this one around, so I'm pretty excited. It didn't come with any rules, so I will just pass it along to 5 blogs I treasure.

Hatshepsut: The Writing of a Novel
Putting Pen to Paper
The Bookshelf Muse
The Write Worship
The Sound of rain
I would love to give this award to so many others, but I know it will find its way to all of you. I think they mean more when we limit the numbers.
I def agree that awards mean more when we limit their numbers. I have four to hand out, FOUR, I can't afford the post space! Ha! I like yours, they are shiny and different.
Thanks for all the contest info!!
Congrats on the award, it's all pretty and shiny.
You're too sweet, Shannon!! Thanks for filling my day with a little sunshine. ; )
Congrats on the well-deserved awards! Thanks for the contest links too :)
Congrats on the awards, and thanks for the heads-up about the various contests.
In a completely unrelated note, I came across some posts I think you would find really helpful: "the why chromosome" about getting teen boys reading and writing. The blogger is a multiply published male YA writer. His blog is called Ghost Medicine at http://ghostmedicine.blogspot.com/.Reading the posts made me thing of you and your teaching.
Oooh, links to some great contests. Thanks!
Whoa, that's a lot of contests. I've won my share lately though.. so, I'd better save some goodies for other people.
I've never seen that award before. Cool. Thanks for the contest updates!
Thank you for the contest links! And congratulations to your awardees :) You always pick the best and the brightest out there, people I hope to count myself with one far and distant day!
Ohlala! Those contests look great- I'd only seen one.
Thank you for the treasure award. I adore all the awards you've sent my way. My daughter will like this one- she's on a pirate kick right now. The little monkey wanders around singing, "Yo ho, Yo ho, a pirate's life for me."
Shannon, you're awesome!!!! Thanks so much for the award. I love it! (and I love the yellow too!) =) Congrats on getting the awards. =)
Fist pump!! Thanks Shannon! :D
Wow, there are some great contests in here! I'm off to check them out now!
Shannon, you're a whiz at finding all this info. I'm impressed! And I hope you win -- how about Beth Revis' Reader's Gift Set??--because you really DESERVE it!!!
Great contest info, thanks! And congrats on the awards--they're wel deserved!
Sigh. I just love this blogosphere. There's so much positivity going on for so many great things.
Congrats on your awards -- and thanks for passing one on to me!
Congrats to you and the other winners! Thanks for the links and info about the contests.
Happy weekend,
There are a lot of great contests out there. Must be the season!
Congrats on the awards.
Yay! Treasure!!Thanks for such a great award and thanks for the contest up dates. There's a few there I didn't know about!
Happy weekend!
Shannon, congrats on being awarded. You ARE a faithful commenter. Did you read Elana's on leaving comments? Do you ever feel like there's too much awarding going on?
Congrats on the awards, and thank you for passing one onto me! I love yellow too, what a happy color! Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Shannon! :) :)
Wow! So many cool contests and what cute awards! See? This is why I love your blog. You always make me smile and steer me in the right direction. ;)
Congrats on the awards and WOW! lots of contests!!
Thanks for all the cool links!
Shannon, I am so very thrilled and honored that you would pick me. Was it because you saw me outside your house, jumping up and down screaming, "pick me, pick me?" =)
Thank you, thank you my friend. I love you. Oh, and I have been polishing my MS. Making progress. BIG PROGRESS! And filling my agent list in.
Thank you darling!!! MWAH!
You definitely deserve every award that comes your way, Shannon. Thanks for the contest links. I'm on my way to check them out!
Congratulations on all of your awards and all the lives you are touching.
Well done1
That sunshine award is adorable! Congratulations!
And holy contests! So much going on right now. Love all the positive energy.
Congrats on your awards, and thanks for the good contest information!
I just LOVE this blog and missed visiting last week when I was on an antique dial-up system!
WOW! Will have to visit a couple of these places!
Thanks, Shannon!
YAY! another great award for you!
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