Oh, wait! Just to refresh your memories, the prizes were a SIGNED copy of The Brimstone Key and POSTERS done by the fabulous Jon S. Lewis!
Okay, where were we? Oh, yeah...the winner.
Congratulations to...
Theresa M
Theresa M
(I'll be emailing you today for your address)
"The inability to open up to hope is what blocks trust, and blocked trust is the reason for blighted dreams."
~ Elizabeth Gilbert

Hope is one of the great sustainers. It sustains us through basically everything in life. It has sustained me through childhood disappointments and teen angst; motherhood and a professional career; impossible dreams. Without HOPE, we are nothing but miserable, empty shells.
As writers, we MUST have hope. We must trust that our impossible dreams are possible. We must trust our CP's and our ability to create and to revise and to seek out new life and new civilizations, to go where no man has gone before... no, wait. I got a little carried away at the end there. Sorry.
If we don't HOPE we can do it and TRUST in our potential and those who helps us along the way, then our dreams will not thrive. Or, as Elizabeth Gilbert says, they will be blighted.
As writers, we MUST have hope. We must trust that our impossible dreams are possible. We must trust our CP's and our ability to create and to revise and to seek out new life and new civilizations, to go where no man has gone before... no, wait. I got a little carried away at the end there. Sorry.
If we don't HOPE we can do it and TRUST in our potential and those who helps us along the way, then our dreams will not thrive. Or, as Elizabeth Gilbert says, they will be blighted.
What gives you hope and helps you trust in your dreams?
Whenever I forget my hope...people like you remind me! Especially with posts like this. The darkest time of my life was when I lost hope... my book helps me to remember, my characters, my world. It all keeps that metaphorical flame inside of me alive.
Without hope...we're just living to die.
Congrats to the winner!
Every time a friend of mine sells their book or gets an agent it gives me hope because I know the market is doing well. I trust in my dreams because I work hard at improving my craft and I keep writing and moving forward. Great post!
Congrats to Theresa!
I'm a lot like Heather. I gain a lot of hope from seeing blogging buddies get agents and sell their books.
What a fab blog post!! Congrats to Theresa - she's brilliant!!! Yay!!!
Hope is a good thing to have when you're full of self-doubt about yourself as a writer or as anything really!!
Positive unsolicited reader feedback gives me hope! :-) Take care
My hope and trust wax and wane depending on feedback from agents and crit buddies. But I guess in the end, the hope is pretty strong because i keep going!
This is why I love your blog. I know that pretty much no matter when I'm feeling down about my writing, I can come on by and read something to pick me up. Thanks for being a well of confidence :)
Congrats to the winner!! Hope you have a fantastic monday!
So true. Sometimes I curse hope though because it is the prime suspect in disappointment. But in the end, I always cling to it again because without it, I wouldn't try so hard.
Congrats Theresa.
Hope and trust are vital in writing. We HAVE to hope that we can write and trust ourselves enough to put our writing out there.
Seeing all my blogging pals get agents gives me hope. Watching my crit buddy Beth Revis get her agent and book deal gives me hope. Holding her ARC gave me hope.
Waaaahaaaa I want an agent. Oops, sorry about the sniveling. :) This is about hope and trust. YEAH!
Congrats to Teresa and hope and trust are my bywords today!
Oh man. Trusting in myself to do my best and to not quit and all that? that's HARD! But I do have hope, so I keep on trying!
When I'm low on hope and trust, the encouragement of my crit partners and my DH help a lot. They remind me to keep going and have fun.
Congrats Theresa! And all my blogging buds give me the MOST hope:)
It gives me hope to know that it happens for other writers every day. And I trust in my ability to write, and more importantly, my ability to rewrite when I get good advice from writers, agents and/or editors!
And Shannon, just saw your pitch on the Operation Awesome blog. Your project sounds FANTASTIC!
Beautiful quotes to start another NaNo day. Thank you..:)
Sometimes my hope gets squashed by the most unlikely things. But eventually my trust in the process and belief in myself gin me back up again. :)
p.s. congrats Teresa!
Hi Shannon -
Congrats to the winner!
My trust is in the Lord. Hope is not just wishful thinking but an eager expectation.
Susan :)
Congrats to Theresa!
She seems like such a hardworking, fun, smart girl -- she deserves to win!!!
Thank you for those words of encouragement today. I've been feeling a little wobbly in my confidence. Recognizing the gift is the first step. Answering the call to create is the second step. Daring to share it is the third step. Trusting that God gave you gifts and talents and desires that can and will be fulfilled.
Hope is a powerful thing when lost. I've had that feeling in my personal life as of late. I have to put my hope in God that all will be well. :O)
Congrats to Theresa - she's awesome!
Sometimes I don't feel like I'm all that hopeful, but I keep going anyway - I can't even fathom the alternative.
I so love stopping by, you always have something to put a smile on my face. Trust and Hope are key points in life.
Hope is the most important thing a writer needs, I think. That, and total fearlessness.
I am working on both!
Congratulations Theresa!
When I lose hope in my ability one of my cp's senses it and checks on me....I hope that I do the same thing when I see one of my cp's or bloggy friends struggling...
CONGRATS to Theresa! :)
And I agree with Heather...I love seeing friends get book deals. I HOPE all of them do.
I trust and adore my CPs.
Happy November,
Hope definitely keeps me going.
I trust my beta readers- big time! :)
You are so good with the inspiring words! I'm always hopeful, even when I think I'm not :)
The good Lord above gives me hope in my dreams because I believe my dreams come from Him. Perhaps I'm over-simplifying things, but it works for me
Hope is a very powerful thing. Having hope in things will help make your life better, you have to have hope in order for great things to happen. Very cute blog and thanks for stopping by my blog! :D
CONGRATS Theresa! Enjoy your goodies!
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