Welcome to Stephen Tremp's Breakthrough Blog Tour
Author Stephen Tremp's debut novel is an action suspense story released last August. I have the honor of being stop nine on his tour, and we have a special treat! Because I am a teacher, as are many of my followers, Stephen put together a special post for us!
He is dedicated to contributing to the personal and professional development of youth, so he put together a SCIENCE FOR YOUTH tab on his blog that he plans to expand to include reading. He's also putting together an animated kids series about a brother sister duo designed to help kids get interested in science. How cool is that?
Here's the blurb for breakthrough:
A scientific breakthrough in Einstein-Rosen Bridges, or wormholes, is stolen by a group of misguided M.I.T. graduate students. They scheme to usher in a global science-based oligarchy. Greed, betrayal, murder, mayhem, spiritual contemplation, and unconditional love define the power-play struggle in this fast-paced suspense thriller of technology gone too far. As the death toll mounts, will Chase Manhattan and a multi-faceted cast of characters escape their hit list and destroy the discovery which threatens life as we know it?
At one time the U.S. was a leader in math and science. However, according to recent reports, the U.S. is losing its advantage in science and technology. The concern is the next generation will experience a lower standard of living and quality of life than did their parents.
One solution is to increase America's talent pool by vastly improving K-12 mathematics and science education. Never one to sit around and complain, here is my contribution: a SCIENCE FOR KIDS tab on my blog. Target audience: elementary and junior high kids. For starters I’ll pool resources and Web sites parents.
My aim is to expand this into a Web site all its own. It will be a reference for teachers, parents, and kids and allow classrooms to hook up anywhere in the world. Finally, I’m developing an animated kids series starring a brother and sister duo who have a very unique way of exploring their world in order to finish their school projects for science, history, and social studies. I’m very excited to be involved with these projects! Following are some of the sites I’ll reference:
TV, Videos, and Books
There are many science-based shows on network and TV kids can watch. Dragonfly TV, Crash! Bang! Splat!, Mythbusters , Naked Science, and NOVA. Parents should know some content may be controversial and age appropriate.
For younger kids, Magic School Bus by Scholastic is a children’s series about science. An eccentric schoolteacher, Ms. Valerie Frizzle, takes her class on wonderous educational field trips in a magical school bus that can drive them to locations like under the sea or into our solar system, as well as places here on good ol’ planet earth. You can watch clips for free on YouTube, rent DVDs from Netlflix, or take out DVDs and books from your local library. There are also Teachers and Parents sections on the Web site. Magic School Bus has been a kids favorite for years.
Web Sites
There are countless Web sites dedicated to developing our youth and promoting science as a way to accomplish this.
OLOGY: this is a very popular site from the American Museum Natural History, NYC. Ology topics include anthropology, archeology, astronomy, biodiversity, climate change, and earth. They also have the Discovery Room that offers families, and especially children ages 5-12, an interactive gateway to the wonders of the Museum and a hands-on, behind-the scenes look at its science. Every major field of Museum science and research, from anthropology to zoology, is represented.
Yahoo for Kids: the topics at Yahoo for Kids include Around the World, Arts & Entertainment, Computers & Games, School & Homework, Science & Nature, Sports & Recreation.
Girl Start – Empowering Girls: Girl Start is a non-profit organization created to empower girls to excel in math, science, and technology.Girlstart offers a variety of educational formats designed for girls, adults, and families through after-school programs, workshop series, summer camps, Expanding Your Horizons, and free community events.
Science News for Kids: information and resources on science topics of interest to young people. Topics include animals, pace and astronomy, the human body, game zone, environment, chemistry and materials, and earth. The Web site has a tab for teachers with links from resources to science fiction to a listing of recently published books that may be of interest to science and math teachers.
Easy Experiments: what could a parent want more than to have their kids conducting science experiments in the house!
Kids Science Experiments: Kids Science Experiments and Science Projects are full of fun, easy and exciting hands-on experiments that will help you answer a lot of questions asked by your children. These simple, safe and easy to follow science experiments and science projects can be achieved with everyday materials and recycled items found around your house. Help make learning fun and easy by trying some of these science experiments with your kid's.
Barnes and Nobles and Borders Books and Music has a kids section with books about easy science experiments with everyday household materials. I even saw an Idiots Guide to Science Fair Projects. Seriously.
Teach the Children Well: This site is a collection of links to sites carefully selected by a teacher for students as well as their parents and teachers. Teach the Children Well was designed for elementary grades but many of the sites will also be of interest to older students.
Bill Nye the Science Guy and Beakman’s World are fun sources of learning for kids (and adults), but are hard to find on TV. You can rent these shows from Netflix and most libraries have them as free rentals. Hundreds of clips can also be found on YouTube.
Steven Spangler (often seen on the Ellen Degeneres Show) has a Web site for science toys, supplies, games, and cool science projects for children and teachers. Spooky Halloween activities. Steve Spangler makes science fun and creative ways to get people engaged in their own learning.
If you have any suggestions or really great Web sites I could use, please post then in the COMMENTS or email me at golionssss@yahoo.com. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
Please join me tomorrow as I visit Helen Ginger at Straight From Hel as we discuss Character Arc.
Stephen Tremp is author of the action thriller Breakthrough. You can visit Stephen at Breakthrough Blogs where Breakthrough is available for purchase and download to all eReaders.
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Wow! Ton of links! Thanks. Undecided on the science experiments in the house, though. If you saw the mess they make getting a snack, you'd understand. LOL
This is great, and Stephen is wonderful.
I will check out the links. My daughter loves science and math, so this is perfect.
It's so important to encourage the kids to have fun with math and science! They enjoy solving puzzles and riddles and we have to show them that's the basis for those 2 subjects!
Awesome linkage! I also think getting kids involved in different ways is great. Especially for those who didn't really dig science/math etc (*cough*me*)
so impressive! I totally agree. Science and math don't come easily to most of us. We need more resources.
Excellent post. I love all the ideas for parents and teachers!!!
Stephen stops by my blog on Friday!
Shannon, thanks for hosting me today. This is a lot of fun putting this post together. Thanks to everyone stopping by. And a special round of thanks to all the teachers and parents who are helping our kids to love science and math.
Yay!!!! Thanks Shannon O Donnel for hosting the fabulous Stephen Tremp!! Anything that makes maths and science fabulously enlightening for kids is should be embraced and heralded and made LAW!! Wonderful ideas and links here, thank you! Take care
Science for Kids is a wonderful idea. These links and tips are great! Thanks to both of you for sharing all this.
Happy Wednesday,
Wow! so many useful links. Congrats on the Breakthrough novel - what an appropriate title. Maybe my boys will want to read it.
So wonderful to see this side of a writer, Stephen. And man, check out the links!! Thank you.
So many awesomesauce links! Which one will I check out first?
Breakthrough sounds so cool! I'll have to get a hold of that book. =)
Stephen, thank you for including me as a stop on your tour and for the FANTASTIC post you put together. It's full of enough wonderful info to keep us busy for days, checking it all out. :-)
Such a great turnout. You have a terrific group of followers Shannon. Thanks again for having me. This is turning out to be one of the best stops on the tour!
hi miss shannon and mr stephen! wow i like so much on this post. that book sounds like c a couple of my brothers could like it. im thinking its a little old for me. im feeling pretty excited for all that science stuff and for sure i just gotta get on mr stephens blog so i could check out that science tab. i love science stuff. experiments are soooo cool. my brothers said im not allowed to do any experiment that blows up our house. ha ha.
...smiles and hugs from lenny
What a plethora of information! Thank you Stephen and Shannon.
Making Life a Work of Art!
Wonderful post and many links to get in touch with.
Yay for encouraging kids and science!! I put this on my TBR list, but I'm wondering if it's a kids book (since the kids are in MIT) - would it maybe be good for young teens?
Great links! Good for Mr. Tremp for encouraging the youth.
Susan (and all), regarding the age appropriate level for Breakthrough, Its probably okay for high schoolers. I do not use any F-bombs, no G-damns, and I do not exploit children in order to further the plot or make the bad guy badder. So you don't have any of these issues to be concerned with.
There is however one very short sex scene. The female assassin uses this moment to seduce Chase and try to kill him. And there are a few scattered usages of mild swearing. But nothing graphic.
Oh, there are eleven murders too. But what I see on TV, Breakthrough is mild in comparison to many shows.
Finally, if you do decide to order a copy of Breakthrough (thank you in advance!) please order the softbound version. Its re-edited and contains six new chapters at the end. Thanks!
I'll have to check out these links!
Excellent post!
@Stephen Thanks for the heads up!! I truly appreciate it. Sounds like it's more appropriate for older teens. Which will bum out my 9yo, who is a huge fan of particle physics! LOL
Wow...that is awesome. I LOVE math and science. I only went to Calculus in college and concentrated on Chemistry. Biology was NOT my thing. Physics was pretty frickin' cool, too. I make no apologies to my kids for being a math and science geek. I have a few of those on my hands as a result:)
Ooo, fabulous job for the blog tour #2. Can't wait to check out all these links. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for sharing the resources, Stephen! That's great that you've added the SCIENCE FOR KIDS tab to your blog!
I'm not a kid, but I do enjoy Mythbusters!
Great links and congrats Stephen! :O)
Alex and all, I have to admit I still like Bill Nye and Beakman's World. I'll watch them on YouTube with my kids. Steven Spangler is new to me but he makes science experiments interesting and fun for old and young alike.
Interesting guest post! Kids will love exploring these sites.
Fantastic list! This is just awesome.
Great info and links! A lot to check out~ Thank you!
Wow, that's really cool Stephen. I'm going to keep this post handy so I can refer to it in the future.
I don't promote many of my blogs as "keepers," but this one is a keeper. Lots of great links consolidated together. And this will grow into a site all its own with lots of interactive stuff. I'm excited. Can I get a Glory Hallelujah from the audience?
As they say, kids are our future so the best thing we can do is educate them, engage their minds and get them excited about learning.
Thanks again Shannon for hosting me, and cool beans (just saw that term at another blog) to everyone who stopped by. I had a great time putting this together and I appreciate all of your comments!
Stephen, thank you so much for being here today. This post was beyond awesome, as you can see from the comments. And thanks for answering questions throughout the day. You rock!! :-)
This sounds like quite an ambitious and worthy project. Today's kids need a lot of encouragement. Many of the problems with school I lay on admininstration and state and federal interference. The teachers are just innocent victims of the system who become frustated with what they'd like to accomplish.
You should put this post on your science tab page temporarily at least. There are a lot of good links to reference.
Tossing It Out
Hi Shannon and Steve .. that's an amazing set of resources .. and I love the idea of brother and sister working together on science ideas.
I think as more kids become independent in their learning with the resources available via the net - they'll know where to go to get that extra input ..
and the teachers or parents now have a wonderful resource to access - to find that extra bit of information or new site ..
Great news for the children - fantastic tab addition to your site Stephen ..
Thanks - have good weekends both of you .. Hilary
Hilary, you're correct in that kids today are far more independent in how they learn. i really hope I can contribute at least in a small way to kids personal and professional development.
Hi Steve .. I'm certain that you're on the right track - and that the kids will love the interaction of all your ideas ..
It's that package of concepts - the choices and alternatives that life gives us/them .. where will their ideas take them? We've been modular led it seems, without all the disciplines coming together, and the doors left open to explore more - be it in English, History or Science.
It'll be fun to follow along .. thanks Hilary
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