11/2 – Giving Thanks to CPs
11/9 – Giving Thanks to Agents
11/16 – Giving Thanks to Editors 11/23 – Giving Thanks to Writing (in general)
As you can see, today's focus is on our beloved
Critique Partners!

Critique Partners!

My main and most relied-upon CP is Valerie Geary from Something to Write About. I refer to her often, so if you've followed me for a while, this comes as no surprise. She is an incredibly wise and talented writer, so I feel truly blessed that she is willing to trudge through the muck with me.
Valerie and I have back-and-forthed our way through multiple revisions of my chapter book. She has encouraged me to enter query wars, reassuring me that I am ready. And now she is helping kick my butt into gear as I try to tackle these goals. I hope she has pointy shoes, because I can be difficult!
We all know the value of quality CP's - and Valerie is quality!
So Valerie, please know that I am truly THANKFUL for all that you do. The Naughty Boy Factory and I would be lost without you.
I also receive feedback from Bethany @ Aspirations, whom I adore. Thank you, Bethany.
More recently, I received some uber-helpful recommendations from Stephanie @ Hatshepsut, all of which I followed. Thank you, Stephanie.
Valerie and I have back-and-forthed our way through multiple revisions of my chapter book. She has encouraged me to enter query wars, reassuring me that I am ready. And now she is helping kick my butt into gear as I try to tackle these goals. I hope she has pointy shoes, because I can be difficult!
We all know the value of quality CP's - and Valerie is quality!
So Valerie, please know that I am truly THANKFUL for all that you do. The Naughty Boy Factory and I would be lost without you.
***** AND *****
I also receive feedback from Bethany @ Aspirations, whom I adore. Thank you, Bethany.
More recently, I received some uber-helpful recommendations from Stephanie @ Hatshepsut, all of which I followed. Thank you, Stephanie.
***** AND *****
My query letter was re-formed and then sculpted to a thing of beauty by the fabulous Elana Johnson - who is well-known for her query skillz - and by Shannon Whitney Messenger - who SHOULD BE well-known for her query skills. Thank you, Elana and Shannon.
Did you participate today?
If so, leave us a link. If not, thank your CP in the comments.
If so, leave us a link. If not, thank your CP in the comments.
No NaNoWriMo here but I want to give a HUGGEEEEEE thank you to Dianne Salerni for taking me under her wing recently:)
YEP, I think Shannon is pretty amazing too! Love this post. YAY for our CPs
Thank you so much to my CPs!!:-)
Take care
Critique partners are the best. Not too long ago an editor asked me for a rewrite and I would have had a meltdown if not for my buddies doing me a solid and dropping everything to critique my first, then second, and finally third revision until they thought I had it right. YEA!!! for critique partners.
hi miss shannon! im glad you got such a cool critique partner. i didnt know so muc about cps til i got blogging. i got a real neat cp and its miss sharon at random thoughts. i like critiquing kids stuff and middle grade cause for mg im the one thats gonna buy it and read it. hooray for cps!!
...hugs from lenny
awe- what a great idea! Looks like you've got some creat CP's and are very lucky!
CPs are a huge reason to be thankful. I have four of them, and they're all a great help. In fact, I really don't think I could do it without them!
Great team behind you. Awesome! :O)
I think this is a brilliant idea. When I hear about someone trying to get published without a CP, I get this baffled look on my face. No CP? I couldn't function, I swear!
Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse
I want to THANK my CPs for being so awesome and for putting up with me! Crazy, obsessive, me! :)
Thanks CPs!
Awww! Thank you Shannon! (And you're welcome.) I appreciate you as well!
What an awesome idea! CPs are so valuable!
I have/had beta readers, which are almost the same thing, so I'm saying THANK YOU to my five betas (one current beta and four past betas) for helping me out so much!
I could never write in a bubble. So thankful for these extra eyes!
I love the idea of this post. I haven't participated, so I guess I'll do so here. I've only really had two critique partners so far. So thank you Amy (who's been my friend for 7 years, I think -- she started as my RA in college) and thank you Patricia (who's recently became a great friend and has helped me a lot).
I love the idea of this post. I haven't participated, so I guess I'll do so here. I've only really had two critique partners so far. So thank you Amy (who's been my friend for 7 years, I think -- she started as my RA in college) and thank you Patricia (who's recently became a great friend and has helped me a lot).
Aw. *sniffles* Thanks #2. I'm so glad my advice was helpful. You know I'm happy to help you anytime--with anything. :D
Dedicating each Tuesday in November to writerly things is such a wonderful idea, and this a very lovely post!
I am the lamest person on the planet and forgot. So I think I'll put mine up tomorrow. Do you think that's allowed?
And you are awesome! I'd read anything you wrote. :)
Enjoyed your post, good to be back , missed you all.
I love how you are taking time to be thankful. Sometimes I know I get in the mode of need, need need! And want, want, want. Great reminders.
I've got the 2 best crit buddies in the world too. They're awesome :) Great idea!
You have got a great group there! Way to make use of the awesome internet peeps!
All four women in my crit. group are AMAZING, but I'll thank Sherrie Petersen for really pushing me to get this MS done. Back to my crazy word count goals for the week! Great idea, Shannon and Christine.
Crit partners are def. something to be thankful for! :)
There is always lots to be thankful for but I think while life is running at full speed your forget to be thankful for it. Great idea!
WOW! Love all thankfulness! I'm so thankful for my brilliant crit partner PAUL GRECI!!
And thanks for pointing out the month of thankfulness schedule! I'll try not to miss next week!
Hi Shannon -
I have three people, who go over my submissions. They've saved me from embarrassing moments, encouraged me, and made me a better writer.
I'm grateful that God caused our paths to intersect and form a great partnership.
Susan :)
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