A plot is a thousand times more unsettling than an argument, which may be answered. It is not a pattern imposed; it is inward emotion acted out. It is arbitrary, indeed, but not artificial. It is possibly so odd that it might be called a vision, but it is organic to its material: it is a working vision, then.
~ Eudora Welty
Some food for thought to get you through your weekend.
I love the poster. I might steal it and put it on my desktop or something. It's inspiring.
Second, I love the part of that quote that says, "it is inward emotion acted out."
That's what I want to do in my writing. Thanks!
Nom Nom. Thanks!
Beautiful poster! It makes me want to go back to Guatemala or Costa Rica.
Ugh. I almost wrote Costa Rice. That would have been bad.
Great poster. Ms. Welty, however, never partook in one of my arguments :)
Shannon, what a creative post!
Welty would know about that plot, wouldn't she? A bit dark for my tastes occasionally, but goin' to the dark side ain't all bad, is it???
what a unique quote. I love it.
Oh & the picture... gonna HAVE to snitch that one! ;o) What? there are elephants...pretty colors...Princesses like bling... lol
Visit My Kingdom Anytime
Oh Shannon, that is so excellent! I love it! Where are you finding all of these cool sayings?
I love that picture! I don't know where you find all of these saying and quotes, but I love them all!!
Have a great weekend!
You post the most inspiring things. I love that poster.
Awesome! I'm stewing on my plot now.
I love that picture, very inspiring!
OK I second Elana's comment. I want this. Thanks for the inspiration.
hmm.. it is arbitrary but not artificial...good stuff!
What a beautiful picture and definitely some great food for thought. Have a good weekend, Shannon!
thanks for this! a great reminder!!
Definitely food for thought. I'll be processing this all weekend. What I'm picturing, already, is that plot comes from deep within.
Great poster, Shannon and an awesome quote. I may have to frame that just to remind me. LOL Thanks for dropping by today!
Beautiful poster, awesome quote, great post. Thanks for all of it. :)
Great words to consider over the weekend.
The colors and words in the poster really made me smile! Thanks so much!
I like the idea that a plot is an inward emotion acted out. That's definitely something to think about as you write.
Straight From Hel
There's a reason I"m not a poet. I'm just not that deep.
Lovely picture.
I like the description of vision, because sometimes I think in words, but sometimes it's pictures or feelings that are so strong they must be written.
Love the picture and the quote! You have such a "feel good" blog, even after an exhausting day at work, I go back to feeling positive when I visit here. Thanks!
Very inspiring! Thanks.
Beautiful - both the poster and the words :)
Oh, lovely--thanks for sharing.
I love the picture. Very cool.
I'm not smart enough for the quote.
The picture is gorgeous! And why must plot be so hard?
I don't think I'm smart enough for the quote either, but it's interesting to think about! Have a great weekend!
Oh! Great quote! Many layers in that one.
Love that picture - wow someone has a good eye ;o) Great quote too - thanks for sharing ;o)
What a beautiful quote from Eudora Welty! Gorgeous.
Love the poster! Love the words under it!
Wow. I got goosebumps from the quote!
Nice! I love little reminders like this.
That is beautiful artwork! Thanks for the weekend thoughts. :D
I love the idea that a plot is an unanswered question. I believe some of the most profound questions in life are those that have no clear answers. And good fiction often asks those very questions.
Great quote. Thanks for the thoughts.
*Sigh* What a lovely quote. All I can say is it's right on the money.
Like all these readers, I love the poster, too. Only maybe I would've made the "i" the red circle, instead of the "o." For the whole vision/eye/i thing.
Can you tell I'm supposed to be revising? Because I'll do
anything--ANYTHING--even improve inspirational posters--instead.
This is great, thanks for sharing!
Happy weekend,
A working vision - great quote and picture. I have an award for you at my blog.
That is awesome and so inspiring! So glad I found your blog. I can learnb a lot from you!! :-) Hope you're having a great weekend! ~ Coreen
Love the picture, and the quote. Thanks for the food for thought!
Blessed Palm Sunday,
Audience of ONE
Oh, I love that quote. Thanks for posting this! I love the idea of something more subtle than an argument, "a working vision", in our writing.
Thank you, Shannon. Beautiful quotes (both on the poster AND Welty's). And the art is stunning.
you are totally still eligible!! i updated the criteria for you!! :D
What an amazing quote! There are plenty of times when I'm falling asleep that I have to get back up to write down my "working vision" -- last night in fact :D
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