Monday, May 24, 2010

All Hail the Queen!

The Queen of Blog Land Scores a Book Deal!

Yeah, yeah, I know I'm a little late to the party. I wanted to post this yesterday, but this is the week we move into our new house (woo-hoo!) and I never got a chance to blog. It's also why I'm so late posting today. But that's not the point!

The point is that our BELOVED Elana Johnson - the query queen, the cheer queen, the "You CAN do hard things!" queen - sold her book!!!!!

Here are the details from Publisher's Marketplace:
Elana Johnson's CONTROL ISSUES, set in a brainwashed society where those gifted with mind control best join the powers that be, but one rebel girl tries to beat them at their own game, to Anica Rissi at Simon Pulse, by Michelle Andelman at Lynn Franklin Associates (NA).
I could not be happier! To CELEBRATE Elana's book deal, I am going to give a $10.00 Amazon gift card to one of today's commenters. I am in the mood to party on her behalf, and a party needs presents! Right? Right!

You must be a follower to win. Now, go leave a comment. And if you haven't already, go give Elana some love!

***(Added) As if she isn't already too awesomesauce for words, Elana is going to match my gift card giveaway! That means we can have TWO winners!


TerryLynnJohnson said...

Yay! Elena is awesomesauce pie.

Jessica B said...

Go Elena! Her books sounds right up my alley!

Mason Canyon said...

Wow, that is a reason to celebrate. Congratulations and best wishes for much success.

Unknown said...

I was so excited for her!!! I even blogged about her today a little, you gave her much more love but I am thinking she can feel all of it today!

What a great little contest in honor of Elana!!!

Happy Monday!

Kelly said...

I am so happy for her and have already sent her my love! Thanks for being apart of the celebration. :) Please count me in!

Stephanie Thornton said...

I am so totally thrilled for Elana- she deserved a book deal for sure!

Congrats on moving into your new house- that's awesome!

Lydia Kang said...

Hooray for Elana! I'm so psyched for her. Couldn't have happened to a nicer person!

Kristen said...

Elana deserved this for sure!!! I'm so happy for her and can't wait to pre-order her book :)

Margo Berendsen said...

I already gave Elana her well-deserved congrats, but I'll share the excitement with you too! Sign me up for a new book from Amazon :)

Shelley Sly said...

I'm so happy for Elana! I just *know* that her book is going to be total, complete awesomesauce. I just know it. :D

Jennifer Shirk said...

Great news for Elana!!

Tricia J. O'Brien said...

Well, I think it's neck-and-neck between you and Elana on the Queen of Cheer. You're awesome to throw a party on her behalf, and she is, well, Elana, and that is awesomeness itself.

Jaydee Morgan said...

I think this is a great reason to celebrate!!!

KA said...

Happily ever after news for Elana. Yay her! And yay you for celebrating with her.

Lindsay said...

Yup, Elana is awesomesauce. Soooo happy for her. Plus, we'll get to read her book! Squeeee.

Shannon Messenger said...

I am SO happy for Elana (and so happy I don't have to keep her secret anymore). If ANYONE deserves a book deal it's her--and her book sounds amazing. Can't wait till I can buy it. :)

Happy Monday--and happy moving!

Karen Jones Gowen said...

Many happy smiles showering down on Elana! Wonderful news!

Martina Boone said...

It's never too late to celebrate such awesome news! We're so excited for Elana! We LOVE that you're doing a contest and prize to recognize her achievement. Yay!

Courtney Barr - The Southern Princess said...

I am beyond ecstatic for ELANA!

What a great contest!!!

Visit My Kingdom Anytime

Candyland said...

*crossing fingers*
<3 Elanaj

Charlotte said...

That sounds like my kind of book! I'll look forward to it!

Theresa Milstein said...

Not only is Elana Johnson awesomesauce, but so is the blogging community. I can't believe how many people have posted about her good news. Yay for Elana!

Jemi Fraser said...

I'm so happy for Elana! :)

B.J. Anderson said...

Yay for Elana! And yay to you for having a giveaway!! :D

Elana Johnson said...

Wow! I'm beyond honored that you'd do this in my behalf. Just for that, I'm going to match it. :) :) <3 <3 <3

Be sure to copy me when you notify the winner.

Survivormama said...

Sounds like a great book! Congratulations Elana!

Tere Kirkland said...

Elana is amazing! I don't know where she finds the time to do half of what she does!!

Tahereh said...

WOO HOO!! the Elana party should go on FOREVARRRR!

also, YOU ROCK for celebrating her Awesome!


Kelly Polark said...

I'm so excited for her! She's like everyone's cheerleader and now we get to cheer her!

Angela Ackerman said...

I am so happy for Elana. She's an amazing writer, blogger, writer's advocate and now debut YA author!

Elana is AWESOMO.

Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse

Anonymous said...

You're incredibly generous and awesome!

Elana is such a great writer and blogger, and I'm so happy for her!

Kimberly Franklin said...

YAY for Elana. I'm so happy for her!

Catherine Denton said...

I get chills thinking of it! I'm so excited for her!!

Tina Lynn said...

Elana is a-maz-ing! So happy for her!

Anonymous said...

*Applause* for the lovely, Elana!!

Corinne O said...

Just the most awesome news for Elana! *yay*

Mary Aalgaard said...

Sweet! And, Elana's good news is the best reward of all. Yippy Skippy!

Deb Salisbury, Magic Seeker and Mantua-Maker said...

Hurray for Queen Elana!!! And double thank you to both of you!

Jessie Oliveros said...

So happy for her. Go Elana! (Congrats on the new place.)

Unknown said...

I'm stoked for Elana! She so deserves this. (And yay for the new place!)

Christine Fonseca said...

She is totally awesome! CONGRATS Elana!

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Congrats, Elana!

Thanks for the double drawing. My email is:

susanjreinhardt (at) gmail (dot) com

Susan :)

Kristen Torres-Toro said...

Congrats to Elana! That is so awesome!

Jonathon Arntson said...

I just celebrated with a piece of cheesecake and blackberry sauce. I spritzed some awesomesauce to make it Elanaish.

Unknown said...

That news is just fantastic, congrats Elana.

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

It is so exciting to see one of our blog world friends making it...I've already sent her my best...

Charmaine Clancy said...

Excited for you both, moving house is a big deal, hope you have a great spot picked out for your writing desk. :-)

Jamie Grey said...

I was so excited to hear her news! She totally deserves it!

Mary E Campbell said...

Elana is awesome and you're awesome for promoting her with a gift card. Awesomesauce has to be one of the best words ever thought up.

Heather said...

Yay for Elana! I think the entire blogosphere is celebrating along with her, because she rocks that much! I'll be doing a post this Wednesday all about celebrating the success of your friends and of course Elana's book deal is part of it! And of course, you rock for doing a giveaway in celebration!

Nishant said...

Her books sounds right up my alley!
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