Saturday, May 1, 2010

Last Lines Blogfest!

The Last Lines Blogfest is hosted by Lilah Pierce. If you aren't familiar with her blog, make sure you pop over and check it out.

These lines were taken from my chapter book, Scott and the Naughty Boy factory. They are the last few lines of chapter 11.

“Well, we can’t have boys running around all the time and beating on each other, can we?” Mr. Little asked. “That would be too wild and unruly. Grown-ups everywhere would call to complain.”

Scott didn’t like that answer, and by their reactions, neither did anyone else. All the nerves in his body began tingling. He could not, would not, do this. Nobody was going to tell him he couldn’t be a ninja!


Michelle Gregory said...

i love that last line. i played along too.

sarahjayne smythe said...

Hee! Very cute. I love that last line. :)

Anonymous said...

In just those lines, I know what kind of kid he is and I like him!

Kittie Howard said...

Catherine A. Winn's right, those lines not only told us about the kid but made him likable, to hang around to see if he's lovable.

Artemis Grey said...

I'd read your book on those lines alone! I do love Scott already. Thanks for posting this! I immediately went and joined the Last Line Train. :)

Jaydee Morgan said...

Awesome. The last line was a winner for me too :)

Unknown said...

A strong last line was called for and this certainly delivered - of course I wouldn't necessarily want Scott in my class ;)

Jemi Fraser said...

Scott sounds like an exhausting whirlwind of fun :)

Theresa Milstein said...

That last line is awesome!

Shelley Sly said...

Ha! That is too cool! I'd so read this!

Dawn Embers said...

Sweet last line. Very fun. I haven't read a this type of book in a long time, but it would be an interesting read. Ninjas, would be a nice break compared to all supernatural stuff I'm seeing around all the time. Different genre/section, but still.

Nice work.

Unknown said...

Great last line. I so would have read that book to my kids when they were little.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

A modern Huck Finn and a great last line, Roland

* said...

Ninjas, unite!

PS: Loved your entry in my poetry contest!! Thanks for participating, it seems not everyone writes poetry (sigh).

Happy May Day,

Susan Fields said...

I love it! "Grown-ups everywhere would call to complain." Hee Hee! And the last line is perfect. :)

Tracy Loewer said...

That sounds like a really fun book!!

Unknown said...

So there! Hurrah for future ninjas!

Anonymous said...

I love those two paragraphs -- they make me like him already!

Carolyn V. said...

=) =) =) Shannon, I can't stop smiling! I love your last paragraph! Brilliant! =)

VR Barkowski said...

Awesome last line, Shannon. I'm astounded how in such a short piece you were able to show so much of Scott's personality. Ninja indeed!

Anonymous said...

I LOVED the last line! That was excellent! Thank you so much for participating. Oh, and your story's title - LOVE IT!

Raquel Byrnes said...

Did not expect the whole ninja thing...great last line.

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous last line!

No surprises there, blogger buddie :)

Anonymous said...

Fabulous! I have a thing for ninjas. No idea why but I do. :o)

storyqueen said...

Well done!



Unknown said...

Shannon this was very good, love the last line!!!

Sorry I didn't visit yesterday, my oh my does the day pass by sometimes!

Kristi Faith said...

Oh this sounds absolutely adorable. Something that fits my own son so perfectly. :0) Great writing!

Patti Lacy said...

Fun! LOVE IT, Shannon.

Charmaine Clancy said...

Love the way your last lines shows the strength of spirit children carry :-)

Heather Kelly said...

Definitely missed out on this one, but I loved yours. Nobody can tell me I can't be a ninja either. Woo--hoo Shannon!!

Mary Aalgaard said...

Great lines, great, great, true to boy life lines. Do you have my house bugged?

Rebecca T. said...

That was so cute! I liked it :) I could so picture him, even without any description. Thanks for sharing :)

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