Friday, May 7, 2010

Blog Love and the Dashner Winner!!

It's time to give some overdue award thank you's. I have been blessed with some great awards from some even greater blog buddies recently. Time to share the love!

The fabulous Jay Eckert and the beautiful Jana Hutcheson both gave me the Sunshine Blog Award, which is one of my favorites (you all know how I LOVE yellow). It's such a cheerful-looking award!

I pass this award to the following sunny blogs:

T.H. Mafi @ Grab a Pen (OMG! Need I say more?)
Kristi Chestnutt @ Random Daily Thoughts (Her smile is pure sunshine)
Charmaine @ Wagging Tales (Holy cow! This woman is brilliant!)
Courtney @ Southern Princess (Gotta love a happy princess)
Jonathon Arntson @ Jon's Life (You ALWAYS make me smile!)

My bloggy bff Carolyn @ Checkerboard Squares gave me the Happy 101 Award, which goes to blogs that spread the joy.

I pass this award to the following happy places:

~ Tracy @ Forever Endeavor (anyone who loves baseball like she does makes me happy!)
~ Jaydee @ Jaydee Morgan (check out her blog - it's too cool)
~ Theresa @ Substitute teacher's Saga (substitutes deserve all the happiness possible)
~ D.L. Hammons @ Cruising Altitude (because he needs more awards and he always makes me smile)
~ Lindsay @ Adventures in Writing (thanks for your regular comments!)

Next is the awesome Sweet Blog Award, which I've been drooling over for a while now. Charmaine @ Wagging Tales chose to share the cute little bear with me. Yay!

I pass this award to the following sweet blogs:

Milly and Tilly @ Paper Dolls (these darling sisters are too precious for words - go follow them and enjoy their sweet book reviews!)
Leah @ Reading, Writing, Raisin' Boys (she is a sweetheart! Go visit her and say hello.)
Heather @ Heather's Odyssey (Her Moon series sounds awesome!)

@ Milk & Cookies (If you like MG, you MUST follow her blog!!)
Heather Kelly @ Edited to Within an Inch of My Life (oh, the things she does for us - too many to name!)

And then there is the darling Cheree Smith @ Justified Lunacy who gave me the Beautiful Blogger Award.

I pass this award to the following beautiful bloggers:

Roxane @ Peace Garden Writer (If you are not following Roxane, I say with all my heart that you should be. She is one of the most beautiful people I have ever known - inside and out!)
Sharon Mayhew @ Random Thoughts (Her blog is full of beautiful photos and lovely thoughts)
Emily Ann Benedict @ Benedictions (Her blog is all things beautiful!)
Rayna @ Coffee Rings Everywhere (I love her blog and I LOVE its title)
Faith Pray @ Sacred Dirt (Could she have a cooler name?!)

Creepy Query Girl (isn't that the coolest blog name?) gave me the One Lovely Blog Award.

I pass this award to the following lovely blogs:

The Alliterative Allomorph (check out her awesome blog!)
Lydia Kang @ The World is My Oyster (her medical Mondays are amazing)
Candace @ The Misadventures in Candyland ( she is so much fun!)
Roland @ Writing in the Crosshairs (he is one of my new must-reads)
Elaine @ Still Writing (thanks so much for your regular comments!)


According to and the #6, the lucky winner of the signed copy of James Dashner's 13th Reality is...

Jonathon Arntson

email me , Jon! :-)


Natasha said...

Thank you so much for passing this award onto me.

And you are absolutely beautiful too! Am so glad I found you.

Alexia561 said...

Congratulations on all of your awards! Very well deserved!

And congrats to Jonathon! Enjoy!

Lindsay said...

You deserve your awards. Congrats.:) And thanks for mine. I'm feeling the joy.

Jaydee Morgan said...

Woo hoo, look at all those awards! I agree, you certainly deserve them and thanks for passing one along my way :)

Courtney Barr - The Southern Princess said...

Darl'n! THANK YOU!!! I am blushing. I love this little award - such adorable boots! ;o)

Such wonderful awards & you deserve them ALL!!

Congrats Jon - you are winning everywhere!!

Visit My Kingdom Anytime

Heather Kelly said...

Shannon--Thank you so much! You just gave me warm fuzzies!! Thanks! Staring at revisions is sooo much easier with warm fuzzies!!

Heather said...

I'm honored to have won the Sweet Blog award. Thank you so much!

Emily Ann Benedict said...

Thanks so much Shannon! I love that award. It's so pretty. :)
You're so sweet. :)

Have a wonderful weekend,

Jana said...

You are so sweet! Thanks for my award! BTW, it's looking like a super strong possibility for my move...

Leah (aka Mary_not_Martha) said...

Thanks! I never even thought I'd need a spot for an award - I'm so excited!

Matthew MacNish said...

Congratulations to Jon, he rocks and makes me smile too.

Congrats to all the other award winners as well. It's always so much fun to see other bloggers connect with each other.

Today's guest bloggers are Lisa and Laura Roecker!

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Wow. All those awards. Thanks for awarding me one.

I always feel the better for having visited your blog. I wish you nothing but success in your writing dreams.

Thanks for commenting on my blog. Don't be a stranger, hear? Roland

Theresa Milstein said...

Thank you, Shannon! Congratulations on all of your awards.

Christine Danek said...

Congrats on all your awards --you deserve them. COngrats to Jon!

Lisa_Gibson said...

Congrats to all! Have a wonderful weekend and a Happy Mother's Day!

Kasie West said...

Congrats on all your awards--well deserved. And congrats to Jonathon Arntson, I'm so jealous. :)

Lydia Kang said...

Hey! Thanks so much for the award! I'm thrilled!
And congrats on your awards... you deserve it!

Kittie Howard said...

Congrats on your awards...well-deserved! Cause you spread a lot of sunshine our way. Also, congrats to Jonathon -- well done!

Patti Lacy said...

Wow, you were busy cutting and pasting little awards!

Love your blog!
Have a great weekend, okay?


Angela Ackerman said...

Gah! So lucky!! Congrats!

Jonathon Arntson said...

I was all warm and fuzzy inside with my award and then I saw my name is giant letters and was like, whoa. Then it sunk in, I won! Thank you and thank YOU Shannon and James and the internet. Also, thanks for the congrats everyone, you're all so warm and fuzzy yourselves. :)

Myrna Foster said...

Congrats on the awards, and congrats to Jon too.

Anonymous said...

Look at all those awards! They make your blog even brighter. :o) Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Lots of awards!

Congrats Shannon :)

Jemi Fraser said...

Wow! Congrats on all the awards - you deserve every one of them :)

Al said...

You've cleaned up!

Christina Lee said...

Congrats on your awards and congrats to Jonathon! Have a GREAT weekend!

Lola Sharp said...

CONGRATS on all your awards!
And Congrats to Jonathon!

Happy Weekend!

Tana said...

Awards abound! Congrats to every one!!!! Have a nice weekend. :)

Lola Sharp said...

Oh, and Happy Mother's Day, Shannon!


Carolyn V. said...

Sweet! Congrats on all your cool awards (you deserve them all!) =) Woo hoo!

Charmaine Clancy said...

Shannon, you are always so generous with encouragement. Thank you for the award and thanks so much for giving Paper Dolls an award, the kids will be thrilled! I'm sure they will pop on here later and thank you themselves (now they've figured out how to use the comments) :-)

Janet Johnson said...

Wow you are the award queen! Love it!

Roxane B. Salonen said...

Shannon, you impress me to no end with the ways you reach out, consistently uplifting others. Thank you friend! Also, how did you do that really cool thing with the awards on the lefthand side of your page? I know you did it through flickr, but how did you upload it? Is it easy? I like how it tidies up the awards. :)

Angie Paxton said...

Congrats on all the awards! That's great.

Tabitha Bird said...

Congrats on all those wards :)

Candyland said...

Ok here we go! (Computer was being a jerkwad). THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!!!!
You are so sweet:)

Tahereh said...

OMG THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!

you're so sweet!!!!!

congrats to EVERYONE (and to YOU for winning so many awards!!)

thank you thank you thank you!!


VR Barkowski said...

Congratulations on the awards, Shannon! Well-deserved!

This is one gorgeous post. With all that beautiful color, I couldn't help but smile. Add a slew of new blogs to check out? Even better! :)

erica m. chapman said...

Congrats for the awards! All well deserved ;o) Lots of great blogs in the list too!

Enjoy your weekend!

* said...

Lovely round of awards for all.

Happy Mother's day to you, sweet you.

Jessica Bell said...

Thanks Shannon! That's so very sweet of you :) I have let my awards build up without reciprocating! I'm such a bad award giver :( *slap on hand*

Karen Lange said...

Congrats to you and to the other bloggers.
Happy weekend,

Shelley Sly said...

How fun! Congrats on all your awards, and congrats to Jon!

Tina Laurel Lee said...

I can not think of a more deserving book winner than Jon. That is pretty perfect!!! And congrats to all the award winners!

Milly said...

Thank you for the lovely Award, I really enjoy blogging and I am happy to hear that lots of people like my blog [and my sister's].

Liz @ Cleverly Inked said...

It feels like I have not stopped by in some time. EEK! Congrats on the awards. COngrats to the winners!

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

Shannon--You are so sweet...Thanks for passing on an award to me. :) Have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

So many awards! Congrats to everyone!!

Faith Pray said...

Well-deserved honors, Shannon! And thank you so much for the award!

Susan Fields said...

Congratulations on your awards and to all those you've passed them on to, and congrats to Jonathon on winning your book giveaway!

Unknown said...

Congratulations Jonathan!!!

Congratulations Shannon, what awesome awards you have!!! I realized I haven't visited in a bit (shame on me!) but I'm here now and saying HELLO!

lisa and laura said...

Ok, every time I come visit you, you've got more awards (and even more followers!)

Congrats on everything, Shannon! You rock! Hope you had a great Mother's Day!

DL Hammons said...

And you talk about my trophy case! Look at that hardware!! :)

Congrats to you...they most certainly belong here. And thanks for tapping me again for recognition. I'll try not to hold onto them for quite so long this time. :)

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