Monday, May 17, 2010

No Shortcuts

You have to keep plugging away. We are all growing. There is no shortcut. You have to put time into it to build an audience
~ John Gruber

Need I say more? Happy Monday!

How much time have you put into the dream of getting published?


Stephanie Thornton said...

I was just thinking about this, wondering how much time I'd spent on this book, querying, and writing the second book. It's a good thing I haven't kept track- the number would be totally scary. I guess I'm so invested there's no turning back now!

Jamie Grey said...

I was thinking about how to build an audience this weekend and decided that it's just going to take time and work. Nice to see I'm on the right track :)

I have no idea how much time I've spent over the last couple of years working on my writing. I think I'd probably be terrified to know the truth!

Jessica Bell said...

Every possible sane and insane moment! :) Need some new spark plugs.

Robyn Campbell said...

Plug, plug, plug! And every so often, I need a recharge. Big time.

Super post. I have missed you so much. I love you Shannon. *hugs*

CMOM Productions said...

Let's just say that the pot is on the stove simmering. When my kids are in school full time, I'll be able to put more of myself into the effort. :)

Julie Dao said...

I'm making as much time as I can, while I can :) Thanks for the great quote!

Carolyn V. said...

Tons... and tons...and tons...

It will happen one day. =)

Jayne said...

With the current wip? Two years thinking, six months writing, two years (!) redrafting. Speedy is not my middle name. :)

Candyland said...

About as much time as I spend breathing.

Kimberly Franklin said...

Every moment possible. Even if I spend a million hours (is that even possible?) achieving my dream will be well worth it!!

Lisa_Gibson said...

Probably a rather large number of hours. I love writing and I love the people I've met through that, so it never feels like a chore really. :)

Dawn Embers said...

Technically, 5 years, though 3 have been way more involved than the first 2. And I haven't even gotten to the query stage yet. I was writing and learning how to write in those years and just now I have novels to rewrite. So, it may take a few more years.

Tracy Loewer said...

Depends on the day, but not nearly enough this year with homeschooling. That's coming to an end very soon (woohoo!). I'll be working really hard once summer hits though, and I can't wait! The countdown to June 28th is on...

Southpaw said...

What?! No shortcuts! When did all this happen? ;)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I don't know the exact amount of time, but it was enough that I'll see it happen this fall.

Patti said...

I have to remind myself of this all the time and even though it might take me longer than others, patience is the key.

Emily Ann Benedict said...

Well, let's put it this way. I have to try to remember to put time into doing things other than working towards the goal of being published. :P ;) Crazy girl.

Shannon Messenger said...

More than I thought I would when I started this crazy process. But it's all worth it. Like the quote said, you're BUILDING an audience. That doesn't happen overnight.

Happy Monday!

Lindsay said...

How much time have I put in? Hmm, this year or last? Lol.

Susan Kaye Quinn said...

Way more than seems rational some days. Other days, it seems not nearly enough! :)

Karen Harrington said...

I think this in unquantifiable for writers. We write when we're doing dishes, picking weeds and reading books to our children.

Now, if I could count the hours for my actually published book alongside the royalties - and work out the pittance I've made per hour, I would cry. So I won't ever do that. :)

Heather said...

Every night, and all the time during the day. Every time I zone out and whenever I'm concentrating really hard. Pretty much every moment of every day.

Hardygirl said...

Whew. There's no way to count. But, I did have to force myself to realize that thinking about writing wasn't the same thing as actually putting pen to paper and, you know, WRITING!!


Kathi Oram Peterson said...

Years and years of writing and receiving rejections. Learning from my mistakes and doing it over again. BUT finally I sold and it's been all worth it. Now the blogging thing is another learning curve. Thank you so much for always posting a wonderful blog.

Myrna Foster said...

But you know, once you're doing it, it's mostly worth it.

Shelley Sly said...

Not enough time. Writing is so, SO important to me, but I'm such a cheat. My MS is the first thing I put aside if I don't have enough time -- not family, not my day job, not blogging, but writing goes out the window first. I need to fix that. How much am I willing to put in? Way, way more.

Frankie Diane Mallis said...

Hehe sometimes I feel like my whole life has been spent on this--but its so fun!

Lisa K. said...

I have put in countless hours and will undoubtedly put in countless more, but I believe wholeheartedly that it's worth it!

Karen Jones Gowen said...

Wonderful post for Monday! How many hours? Impossible to even count! It's my life and has been from the day I first picked up a Beverley Cleary book and wanted to be her.

B. Miller said...

More hours than I could possibly count! Since I was a child I've dreamed of being published and I have been taking steps towards it ever since! Thanks for making me think about it, though - I had to thank myself and that's always a good thing!

Great post! :D

Terri Tiffany said...

I've only worked on fictio a few years but have beeb writing et. for more than five.

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to put in my time. =]

Great quote!

Sara {Rhapsody and Chaos} said...

So. Much. Time... And still so long go to, lol. Man, writers can be such masochists! ha.

Tina Lynn said...

Sometimes a bit too much, methinks. You have an award over on my blog. XOXO

Angie Paxton said...

I think tallying up the hours would horrify me, so I won't. I'll just keep telling myself it's only a couple hours a day if that, no big deal.

Karen Lange said...

So true! I'm getting there, but not enough yet for everywhere that I want to go:)

Jaydee Morgan said...

Quite a bit but I realize I still have a lot more to go. Thing is, I know its worth it :)

Theresa Milstein said...

5 years. 5 manuscripts (+ "sequel" manuscripts). Numerous picture books I've hardly tried to sell. My blog for the past 8 months. Critique groups. Exchange partners. Thousand of words. Hundreds of edits. 5 conferences. Many hours of sleep lost. Too many hours of doubt. Several breakdowns of tears.

But only recently does it finally feel like it's coming together.

Jemi Fraser said...

Hmm... I really don't think I want to figure out how many hours I've spent! Might be a little depressing :)

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

I'm on my third year of writing with the goal of publication...I have one magazine publication, one SCBWI Regional publication and some really nice personal rejections. :) I must be getting close. :)

Christine Fonseca said...

According to Gladwell's book Outliers, it takes 10000 hours to become successful at something. I am working towards that goal!

Erin Frost said...

No idea how much time spent, but blogging is certainly a way to build an audience that is really exploding in popularity! I wonder what other ways people have of building audiences.

Love the illustration. :)

Roxane B. Salonen said...

Shannon, I haven't counted up the hours, but I know a lot have been logged in. I think I may have reached the 10,000 I mentioned on Peace Garden Writer last week. :) Hope you are well! Tomorrow, I present at the Young Author Conference. You will be with me in spirit and through the words on your blog I'm sharing with the kids!

Charmaine Clancy said...

Such great advice, if we just viewed finishing a novel the same way we do any other job we'd all get it finished a lot quicker. My hours? Not nearly enough. :-)

Unknown said...

I put a lot into dreaming about publishing, but more into writing, editing and querying!

Jamie D. said...

Certainly not as many as I could have. Or could be.

But there's life to be I'll just say I put in what I can, when I can. It will all sort itself out eventually. ;-)

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