Lost in the Cycle
Work work work work, work work work work, work work work work
'cause there is nothing to do
even though there is always something to do
but why would you do that?
Stay up
No sleep
Go to sleep
Except not
Because the brain still says 'Go! '
When you say
Rest! '
No Rest
Come back to consciousness?
You never left,
did you?
Begin repeat
~ Jessica Cummings (11/14/2006)
Have a great weekend!
Have a great weekend!
Well that sums up some of my days.
Have a great day!
I have a feeling that will be me soon enough. I already feel like that most days but add on school and I'm sure it will end up like that everday.
I guess what I'm saying is... I'm welcoming the challenge!
Happy Friday!
I love this! It's how I feel every night. I'm exhausted all day, then it's late but I'm writing! I can't go to bed! Then I do go to bed but I can't sleep because my brain is too busy. *sigh*
This is me today. lol.
Love this! It's really "speaking" to me today...didn't get much sleep last night...another good book kept me up and when I finished, my brain didn't want to stop! Thank goodness it's the weekend!
Have a great one! :-)
Love this! It's really "speaking" to me today...didn't get much sleep last night...another good book kept me up and when I finished, my brain didn't want to stop! Thank goodness it's the weekend!
Have a great one! :-)
This is so true. Somedays writing is fun...and SOME days, it is a pain. Great post!
Wish it was just fun times.... :O)
Happy weekend to you too!
Sounds familiar!
Oh my gosh, this has been my summer. Now I'm back in the work part, but I had to take a few days to do nothing so I didn't go insane.
Happy weekend!
Yes...such a true poem and cycle. I hate being stuck...
That sounds like me last night, trying to go to sleep, and I very rarely have trouble falling asleep at night. It was like my brain wasn't ready to give up when there was still so much to be done.
Brilliant! And eerily true.
LOL Loved it. I pray your weekend is wonderful!
A great poem. Oh, so true of life!
Great post! You're a master blogger. :)
It's relentless! It's so true.
too true!
I am tired from just reading it.
Thanks for sharing.
Yup - that's been my week!! :)
Oh, the old brain buzz. I think I'm going to curl up with a book tonight. I don't always offer this to myself. Often, I read while I'm doing something else. Crazy. Multi-tasking to get it all in. But tonight, I think I'll just read for pleasure. This post gave me the green light. :) Thanks Shannon!
Love that last line, "Begin repeat." That was my mind a few nights back, I was up from 4:30am-6:30am. It was awful, my mind wouldn't stop the treadmill run.
Happy weekend, here's to some time off, eh?
Love that poem, never sleeping through the night. Writing in my sleep, lists, jokes, reminders. Thanks for sharing!
Love that poem, never sleeping through the night. Writing in my sleep, lists, jokes, reminders. Thanks for sharing!
This describes my life perfectly!!!
...and miles to go before I sleep.
Truer words were never spoken!
Hi Shannon -
Right on target! I find myself staying up later and later to get things done. When my body cries, "Uncle," my mind is still in overdrive.
This kinda makes me depressed..that we work work work and for what?
True but eye opening.
I love it! It's so true. My brain just never seems to shut down.
I, along with most people, can relate to this poem!
Take a look at the lyrics to this song:
It's a good song.
Have a great rest of your weekend too.
so true! Oh, I have an award for you over on my blog. Have a great weekend.
This describes my life perfectly!!!
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