Christine Fonseca had the brilliant idea of dedicating each Tuesday in November to writerly things we are thankful for. She invites anyone to play along, and she even set up a schedule for us. Here is the remaining schedule:
11/16 – Giving Thanks to Editors
11/23 – Giving Thanks to Writing (in general)
Today's focus is on Editors
Editors are the buffer between our work and the world. They are there to ensure that our stories enter Readerville at their best. They not only improve our manuscripts, but they also make us better writers.
James Matthewson, an editor for IBM says:
Yes yes and YES!!! Great quote.
What a great idea! Editors deserve heaps of thanks. :)
Catherine Denton
Three cheers for editors!!! I was my husband's "editor" through 8 years of university, so I have a tremendous amount of appreciation of the time and effort that goes into the whole process, and I can't wait to work with an editor of my own someday!
Thank you, editors!!
What an excellent idea! Yes, I am truly thankful to editors for loving what they do and taking something promising and making it spectacular!
Thank you to all the lovely editors!!!!
Take care
hi miss shannon! i only ever had one editor and thats my brother sebi. for sure im thankful for him cause he does all that editing when he going to school and working at a job and he never gets grouchy on it. he makes all my stuff way better. if all those editor people are like him then for sure we gotta be thankful for editors.
...hugs from lenny
Wonderful qoute, during the next few months I will be compiling a new book of poems for publication, last time was very straight forward.
Enjoyed your post.
Thank you to all the editors!
Agreed. :) Thanks.
Great quote!!
Great idea! I loved working with my editor! Thank you, Keri Rouner!
I hope to one day be at the point where I'll get to work with an editor!! :)
You're right - all the people I know who have worked with editors LOVE them!
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Hi Shannon .. I guess one of the unsung heroes! Another pair of eyes is essential .. and I am absolutely certain encourages you to the finishing line.
We need to remember those that help us along the way .. Hilary
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