Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Christine'sThankful Tuesdays #4

Christine Fonseca's Thankful Tuesdays #4

Christine Fonseca had the brilliant idea of dedicating each Tuesday in November to writerly things we are thankful for. She invites anyone to play along, and she even set up a schedule for us. Here is the remaining schedule:

11/23 – Giving Thanks to Writing (in general)

Today's focus is on Writing

On this Tuesday before Thanksgiving, there is much to be thankful for.  I am thankful for my wonderful husband and my three precious kiddos.  I'm thankful for a job I love in a town I never want to leave.  And I am thankful for writing.

Writing has always been a major part of my life.  I majored in English because of my love for words and literature.  I became a teacher so I could live in that world every day.  Now, I teach mostly composition and can't wait for the day when I get to teach creative writing, too.  But the best writing thing that has EVER happened to me was the day I began blogging.

Today, I am thankful for all of you.  This blogging community keeps me motivated and energized and encouraged and supported.  I no longer feel like I'm on an impossible journey - one that no one else understands.  I have all of you to commiserate with, to celebrate with, to learn and grow with.  And I am thankful.

My writing gratitude goes to all of you.
Thank you for being here with me.

I am taking the rest of the week off for the holiday.  My sister is coming from Seattle to visit - Yay!  I'll see you all on Monday.  
Happy Thanksgiving!


Tales of Whimsy said...

Ooooo yah for sister time :) Enjoy!

Lisa Miles said...

I'm grateful for the burning desire to write.
Have a great holiday!

Lindsay said...

I so agree. The blogging community is the best!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Carolina M. Valdez Schneider said...

So many happy blessings, Shannon! So much to be grateful and joyful for. I don't think you could ask for a better life.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

Have a terrific holiday season! And I left an award for you on my blog.

Kelly Polark said...

I am thankful for this supportive writing community too!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family, Shannon!

Slamdunk said...

I hope you and your sister have a great time and Happy Thanksgiving Shannon.

Lenny Lee said...

hi miss shannon! for sure im thankful for YOU and for all my blogger friends. have lots of fun with your sister and have the best thanksgiving ever!
...big hugs from lenny

Valerie Geary said...

Mmm... I love you writing... *snuggles with my computer*

Have fun with your sis!! And have a great Thanksgiving!

TerryLynnJohnson said...

Have a great holiday.

Old Kitty said...

Awwwww have a wonderful and joyous Thanksgiving with your loved ones!! Enjoy!

Take care

Al said...

Have a safe and happy holiday.

Diane said...

Have a wonderful visit and holiday! :O)

Heather said...

How sweet, I'm thankful for you too!

DL Hammons said...


Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Shannon!

Have a lovely time with your sister :)

Jennie Englund said...

Shannon, you deserve a great break: fun, exciting, relaxing, sister-ly!

Have a Thankful weekend! I'm grateful for your blog, and for your cheery comments on mine!

Denise Covey said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Have a lovely holiday!

I put up a thankful post today..:)

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Shannon .. enjoy your time with family and friends over your Thanksgiving weekend ..

You are so right in your post about being thankful for writing - those descriptions you give .. motivation, energy, encouragement and support - are so true ..

Great thought - Happy Thanksgiving .. Hilary

Clara said...

Happy Thanksgiving, enjoy the glorious food bonanza! =D
And Im thankful for my writting too!

Talei said...

I agree! I'm thankful for so many great blogging friends. ;) Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

Aubrie said...

Awww what a nice post! I'm thankful for my blogging friends as well.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Patti Lacy said...

Very sweet...and I feel the same way!

Angela Ackerman said...

Have a great visit with your sister, and a wonderful Thanksgiving. You offer so much kind support and encouragement--you really are a treasure, Shannon.

Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse

Anonymous said...

I hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend.

The blogging community is indeed wonderful.

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