Thursday, December 23, 2010

Book Review: The Genius Files

I know I said I wasn't going to post anymore, but I've been saving a few book reviews and thought I might as well post them this week. Enjoy!
The Genius Files: Mission Unstoppable
by Dan Gutman

Goodreads Blurb:
In eight days, Coke and Pepsi McDonald are going to turn thirteen. 

Before then, they'll jump off a cliff, get trapped in the locked basement of their burning school, chased cross-country by murderous lunatics, left for dead in the pit of a sand dune, forced to decipher mysterious coded messages, thrown into a giant vat of SPAM, and visit the world's largest . . . ball of twine! 

There's more, but if we told you here, we'd have to kill you. 

Megapopular author Dan Gutman brings on the excitement with an action-packed new series that's nothing short of dynamite. Join Coke and Pep on their quest to uncover just what it means to be part of The Genius Files . . . if you dare! 
Expected publication: February 1st 2011 by HarperCollins  

My eight-year-old son took one look at this book and snatched it up. He read it hungrily, laughing out loud and periodically announcing, "Man, I love this book!" In my opinion, there is no greater reward for an author than that.

This book is a winner, a sure-fire hit, a joy to read. I enjoyed it myself, but I absolutely loved watching my son devour it.


Vicki Rocho said...

hahaha! You had me at Coke & Pepsi McDonald.

Angela Ackerman said...

Looks like a great series--I love the protags names!

Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse

Jemi Fraser said...

That is the very best kind of recommendation :)

Old Kitty said...

Coke and Pepsi Macdonald?!? LOL!! But I love that your son loved it - that's the best recommendation ever! Take care

Anonymous said...

I've bookmarked this and am requesting our library to order it. My kids love this kind of stuff.

Heather said...

This sounds too cute to miss! Thanks for bringing it to our attention!

Together We Save said...

Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!!

Golden Eagle said...

I love the title! And the plot sounds amazing. :D

Samantha Vérant said...

Awesome! And sounds like a fun read! merry X-mas! Samantha

Janet Johnson said...

Sounds like a really fun one! I hate waiting though. :)

Kelly H-Y said...

So helpful ... I'm always on the lookout for something that will interest my 8-yr old son!! Merry Christmas!

Carolina M. Valdez Schneider said...

Ha! You had me at Coke and Pepsi as names. And oh my word, a vat of Spam??? That's awesome. Sounds like a fun book!

Tales of Whimsy said...

Sounds perfect for my nephew :) Thanks for pointing it out :)

Anonymous said...

What an interesting sounding book. Had to smile when I saw the main characters names. Thanks for sharing about the book. I'll add it to my TBR book list.

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